Chapter 65

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Harry's pov
I wake up to the sun shining through the annoying gap in the blind. I look over to my right and I see Darcy still fast asleep, im not surprised we both fell asleep very late. I get up from the bed and walk into the bathroom to have a quick wash.
I look like shit and feel like it as well, yesterday is all a blur, from being at the shops with Darcy and skylar to being at the hospital crying my eyes out.
I grab my phone and it's only 7.40 am, I haven't slept shit, no wonder why Darcy is still fast asleep .
I check my messages but I have none, they must be still asleep and it's too early to phone them.

I lay back down in bed and look over at Darcy who is sleeping peacefully contemplating wether to take her to nursery or not. I want to keep her in the routine and being at the hospital all day isn't fair on her so maybe taking her to nursery will be the best option.

Once she wakes up I get her dressed and I do her her in a bun "no dada" she says as she pulls it out causing her curls to falls infront of her face "like moma" she cries "baby I don't know how mummy does it" I tell her and she pouts "I don't have mummy's magic hands " I explain.
We agree on leaving her hair down but she still has a pout on her because she wanted her hair they way Skylar does it and I tried but she wasn't happy.
I decide to take her to the caffe on the corner from her nursery and we sit outside "what's the matter baby" I ask her "no" she says as she pushes her plate of toast to one side "moma" she mumbles "how about we see mummy later? But first we need to have fun at nursery and then we can surprise her" I smile and she nods not too convinced.
We enter the school and Darcy is very happy running along the corridor towards her classroom saying hello to anyone she sees along the way, her mood soon changed, seeing her like this makes me relaxed specially on a day like today...
"Good morning" I smile as we enter the classroom seeing some other children playing with the toys "good morning" poppy smiles as she approaches us and Darcy hides behind my legs, oh no here we go... "Is somebody hiding from me?" Poppy says as she jokes with Darcy making her smile running away towards the other children " ok well that is something new" I say shocked "she will have her days but it gets better as you can see" Poppy says " do you mind if we have a quick chat?" I ask her "sure" she nods looking over behind her making sure the other teacher is there "it won't be long" I reassure her as we walk across the corridor into an empty class "no worries" she smiles as we sit down.
" well first of all I'm very happy with this school I know Darcy is safe here and I feel like you should know some important information about her specially if this will be her school right up to primary" I start of by saying "I just wanted to let you know a bit about her" I tell her "Darcy has had some struggles... her biological mother left her at a very young age and by young I mean days old and so it's always been the two of us" I explain "I travel a lot and I know she finds that very hard, she has a baby sister on the way and I'm not sure how she will take that, she has these random crying fits and starts crying for her mum I mean that hasn't happened for a while but when it has happened there is no way of calming her down, my partner is currently in the hospital and it's quite serious so that is more changes for her,I'm just worried this is going to seriously effect her further along, she has such a chaotic life and I know it's my fault  but I am really scared for her" I tell her stressing out " and when I am here I just feel like she is being passed around and again I know that is my fault I am just new to all this and I really don't know what to do I just want the school to be aware of the changes that she is going through with me being away often and her being a sister" I ramble on and she nods "I appreciate all this information, it is very important for us to know all this so we are able to help heralong the way, I would suggest you keeping a routine and by bringing her here will help a lot and I know that will be hard  with you being away often and all you will want is to keep her at home to spend time with her and make up for the time that you aren't with her but it is important for her to have a routine" she tells me "yeah that's what I thought" I agree "thank you for understanding" I tell her " with your permission I would like to hand this information to the school's physiologist for it to be logged into the system" she informs me "yeah sure of course" "great I will speak to Miss Webb so she is aware and she will be observing Darcy regularly for any changes here in the centre" she says "thank you so much" I say as a stand up and shake her hand.

We walk out of the empty class and back to Darcys class where she is playing happily "bye Darcy I will see you later" I say as I give her a kiss and she is not bothered and just continues playing, well that's good. I walk out of the school with a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.

I get in the car and see 3 missed calls from Ryan "dam I left my phone in the car" I mutter to myself "Ryan! Is everything ok ?" I panic "yeah yeah sorry to panic you, I just wanted to let you know that I have popped out to get a coffee "skylar is still sleeping" he lets me know and I make my way to the hospital.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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