Chapter 1

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Phoenix's POV:

Today, I am going to a gym to help me train and get better at wrestling. I get out of bed and go to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and do my hair. I leave the bathroom and pick out a sports bra and leggings with a tank top over the sports bra. I head downstairs and go grab my water bottle and keys and head out to my car.

I drive to the gym where I'll be training today and head inside. I put my phone, wallet, and keys in a locker. Then I head out to train. While I'm training, I hear a voice I've never heard before, I look over and see who the voice came from. "Wow, you're really good," the voice said. The voice came from a good-looking guy. I stop what I'm doing and get out of the ring. I go over to one of the benches, and he comes and sits next to me.
Nick:"Hey, I'm Nick. What's your name?"
Phoenix: "Hi Nick, I'm Phoenix."
Nick: "Wow, that's a really pretty name."
Phoenix: "Thank you."
Nick: "So how long have you been wrestling?"
Phoenix: "I can't remember a time I wasn't wrestling." *Chuckles* "Do you wrestle?"
Nick: "Yeah, I love wrestling. You should really consider doing it professionally. You're really good."
Phoenix: "Thank you, Nick. I really appreciate it, but I don't think I'm very good. "
Nick: "Oh please, you're amazing."
Phoenix: "Thank you."
Nick: "You're welcome. Well I have to get going, do you mind if I get your number? You seem really cool."
Phoenix: "Sure, as long as you aren't a serial killer."
Nick: "I promise."
Phoenix: "Okay, it's 876-385-7658."
Nick: "Alright, I texted you."
Phoenix: "Okay. See ya later, Nick! "
Nick: "See ya!"

Hey guys, this is my first ever time writing. I don't know if I will get very many reads, but I just wanted something people would like because I couldn't find anything I did. Bye!

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