Chapter 40

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Phoenix's POV:

I wake up and check my phone to see if the doctors have called me yet. Since the doctor didn't call yet I get up and get changed and go to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and throw my hair up in a messy bun. I put on black tank-top and black sweatpants. It is around 10 am so I go down stairs to make some breakfast for Nick and I. 

I make some pancakes and bacon. I plate them and then go up to wake Nick up. I go upstairs to see him still sleeping. I go over to him and try waking him up. He won't wake up so I do the only other option available. I cup his face and start kissing all over his face. I end up straddling him to get better access to his face. He eventually wakes up and puts his hands on my waist. "Good morning sleepy head."  "Good morning baby. You know I could get used to waking up like this." I roll my eyes and go to get up but he holds me down. "I made breakfast lets go eat." "Fineeeee." We both get up and he pulls me in for a passionate kiss. 

We eat breakfast and as we are washing the dishes my phone rings. I look at Nick then run over and answer it. "Hello?" "Hello, is this Phoenix Noel Star? " "Yes, it is." "Okay, this is the urgent care you were at yesterday, I am calling with your results." "Okay." "So, the UTI is negative, all the STD tests we did are negative and the Pregnancy test was positive." "Okay, thank you very much." "You are welcome and congratulations, Have a nice day." "Thank you, you too." 

I hang up to phone and look at Nick. His mouth is wide open. "Wow." that is all I say. He looks at me and then wraps me up in his arms. I don't know how to process this. I immediately make an appointment at an ob/gyn. My appointment is tomorrow. Nick and I have decided that we aren't going to tell anyone until we are in the second trimester. I obviously have to tell work. I can just be a manager until I can't travel anymore. 

I hope you guys like it. I am honestly not sure how much longer this will be. I still have so many ideas but I don't want to make it too long that people won't read.

Nick WayneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ