Chapter 41

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Phoenix's POV:

Nick and I are getting ready to go to my appointment. They said that they are just going to do a blood test and see if they can see anything on a ultrasound. We get there and check in. After about 20 minutes we get called into the back. They explain to us again what they are going to do. They do the blood draw then come back a few minutes later to do the ultrasound. They can't see anything on the ultrasound yet. They tell us to watch our phones for the next 24 hours for a call from them. 

We get home and decide to chill for the rest of the day. We watch grey's anatomy and cuddle. "babe" "hmm" "Do you want to go on a date?" "Tonight?" "Yeah, why not? Get rid of some stress for a night." "Yeah I guess we could." "Okay, you go get ready." "Okay." I say as I get up and kiss him. I go get dressed into a black skin tight dress with some black and white Jordans. I throw on some mascara and highlighter and I quickly curl my hair. I walk down the stairs to see Nick sitting on the couch with an all black outfit on. 

"You look beautiful baby." "Thank you. You look very handsome." He leans down and gives me a kiss. We head out to his car and I buckle up as Nick gets into the drivers seat and buckles. He starts driving and grabs my hand. We hold hands the whole way to the restaurant. When we get in we head over to the hostess "Hello. Reservation under Wayne." The lady looks up at Nick and starts smiling. "Okay, follow me then." She says as she keeps ogling Nick. I grab his hand while we walk to the table. When we get there Nick immediately walks over and pulls out a chair for me. "Thank you baby." I say to him and turn back to the hostess. "Thank you." I smile at her as she rolls her eyes and walks away. 

"You are cute when your jealous." "Oh shush." We get our food and eat it while we talk about everything going on. After we eat we head to get some ice cream then we head home. We watch some more Grey's anatomy and eventually fall asleep. 

I hope yall like this. I wasn't sure what to write but I hope it is good. Happy New Year guys! I love you all so much and thank you so much for your support. 

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