Chapter 45

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*A few months later*

Phoenix's POV:

I am currently 2 weeks away from my due date. Nick is at work in Florida. We found out that we are having a baby boy! We are so excited for this new chapter for us. I am not with Nick because I was told that traveling right now isn't recommended. I am currently at home making some lunch when Nick Face Times me. "Hey beautiful" "Hey babe" "How are you" "I'm okay, making some lunch right now. Baby is very active too" "Okay, well don't go into labor yet." "I'm not planning on it. How's work?" "Good but tiring like always" "That makes sense. Luckily after baby boy is born you will be off for a few weeks. Not sure how much sleep you will get though." "Yea, being off will be good especially since I get to spend time with you and our baby" As he says that I hear someone yelling for him. "Alright babe I got to go. I love you and I'll talk to you later." "Okay, I love you be safe." And with that he hangs up.

My mac n cheese is finally done so I sit on the couch and turn on a show to watch. I end up choosing Supernatural. I finish the mac n cheese and put the bowl in the dishwasher then go put some laundry in. I go through the baby names we are trying to decide on and add a few more that I think are cute. Right now we have Jensen, Jack, Knox, Hudson, Bentlee, and Atlas. I added Bentlee and Atlas just now. I text Nick to let him know that I added a few more names to our list that I really liked. I think he is on a plane flying back home right now but I'm not sure. There is a  knock on the front door so I go open it and Nick is standing there with a bouquet of roses. "Hey baby." "What are you doing here, I told you that I would come pick you up from the airport." "I wanted to surprise you." He says as he gives me a kiss. "Well then, mission success." He laughs and I thank him for the roses and put them in a vase on the island. 

*A few hours later* 

It is currently 1 am and I think my water just broke. "Babe." I am shaking Nick and he isn't waking up "Nick!" I start shaking him more aggressively and he finally wakes up. "What, what's wrong?" "I think my water just broke." "Okay. You stay here, I will grab the go bag and come back to get you okay?" "Okay." He goes and grabs the go bag and puts it in the car then comes back to help me to the car as I am calling my doctor and my mom. We get to the hospital and go up to the labor and delivery floor and are sitting there for a bit before they call us back and take us into a room. "Okay mom, what happened?" "I think my water broke" "Okay, let me take a look okay?" "Yep, go ahead." They take a look and say that my water did break and I am already 6 centimeters dilated. My parents get there a few minutes later and my mom comes in the room. 

After a few hours of relaxing with contractions they tell me to push so I push and they say they can see his head and all i'm thinking is "can we get this baby out of me" because I am in so much pain. After a few more pushes we hear a cry. My baby is here. November 7, 2023 at 4:52 am. Baby Bentlee Knox Wayne. He is 7 pounds 18 ounces. Our beautiful little boy is here. Nick and I spend a little time with him before we let other people come in and see him. Our parents are in love with him and my siblings love him. We decide he has Nicks nose and that it looks like he might have my eyes. 


Okay guys. I hope you like this chapter it was kind of all over the place I feel but it is what it is. I hope you like the name I gave their baby! I do want to apologize for not posting that much. I got really sick and then I moved then got sick again. I also have health issues going on so I have been very stressed. I had to transfer to online school because of the health issues but I am pushing through. I hope you guys understand! I love you guys and thank you so much for understanding and supporting me!

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