Part 9

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At Norway

Kol and Finn went to Norway after fledding Mystic Falls. Both were enjoying and feeling happy in each other's company.

Finn started checking her stuff and found the white oak stake missing. She immediately tells Kol and Finn says that she detects magic and finds out that Esther took the stake.

Kol says how did she know where the stake was?

Finn says she was on the other side. She must have seen me hiding it here. I will do the astral projection spell and try to get the stake.

Kol says ok, be careful Finn.

Finn starts the astral projection spell and projects her spirit in the mystic Falls high school

Rebekah says Finn what are you doing here?

Finn replies I don't have much time. I have to find Esther and take back something from her that is mine.

Niklaus says what did she take Finn?

Finn replies thousand years ago, I had saved a white oak stake.

Niklaus says what?

Look what's done is done I have to find mother. Do you know where she is? Says Finn

Stefan says we don't know but she has trapped all of us in, no one can get out not even humans. Bonnie isn't able to break the spell. Can you try to break it?

Finn says fine. First Finn drops her blood on the salt line to weaken the spell and then she broke it with a counter spell.

As they were going out they see Alaric Saltzman who held the white oak stake with Esther who said that the white oak stake is indestructible as she has blended the Gilbert ring into the stake. She also says that I have turned Alaric Saltzman into an original whose main purpose is to kill the originals.

Finn says which in turn would kill the entire vampire race.

Stefan says what?

Finn says yes when an original dies his bloodline die with him. Mother's sole purpose isn't just to kill us, it's to eradicate the entire vampire race.

Esther says enough talking and asks Alaric to attack.

Finn with a wave of her hand snaps Esther and Alaric's neck.

Finn says I have to tell Kol about this and leaves

At Norway

Finn's spirit comes back into her body. She tells Kol everything that happened.

Kol says we need to hide so that no one would be able to find us.

You are right Kol says Finn.

Finn puts protection and cloaking spells on herself and Kol.

Elijah calls Finn to tell about Niklaus and Alaric Saltzman's demise.

Both Kol and Finn were in shock at the news Elijah just shared and didn't know what to say

They waited for the other vampires belonging to Niklaus' bloodline but that didn't happen.

Then Kol and Finn studied the spell again to see if they were wrong but they weren't.

With no other choice left, Finn did a bloodline spell to see the life status of the family. According to it, Niklaus was still alive. They sighed in relief.

After a week

Finn had a vision of Silas being raised. Finn told this to Kol who got equally scared.

Finn did a spell with her blood as Finn bears Silas' curse to confirm this and the place according to the spell they have to go is Mystic Falls.

At Mystic Falls

Kol and Finn found the vampires Niklaus and Damon turned for Jeremy to kill and killed them.

Klaus, Damon and Jeremy entered the scene and see the dead vampires with Kol and Finn standing

Niklaus says Kol, Finn when did you both get back?

Damon says why did you kill the vampires? They were for Jeremy to kill.

Kol says we won't let you raise Silas.

Jeremy says who is Silas? We are just looking for the cure not someone called Silas.

Finn says we know that you all are looking for the cure. The cure is with Silas and in order to get the cure you have to wake Silas. And Silas would destroy the world that we know.

Kol says Finn's right.

Niklaus says enough. You both can't scare us with some fairytale.

Kol says we are saying the truth. And we won't let you all raise Silas for your personal motives. Remember this Nik.

After that both Kol and Finn vamped away from there.

Same evening

At the Grill

Kol and Finn decide to compel Damon into killing Jeremy. Because without the hunter they cannot find the cure.

With this plan both went to the Grill. They saw Damon drinking alone.

Kol goes to talk to Damon about Silas but he doesn't listen and Finn snaps his neck from behind.

They take him to the caves. Finn has removed the spell which prevented vampires from entering the particular section of the cave. Actually it was Finn who casted the spell thousand years ago.

Damon wakes up all tied up and asks Kol and Finn why you have kidnapped me?

Kol says we are not letting you raise Silas. And without the hunter you all cannot find the cure and compels Damon to kill Jeremy. After compelling they free Damon.

At Kol and Finn's home

Both were discussing about Silas and his story.

Kol receives a phone call from Niklaus asking him to remove the compulsion. Kol says no and starts speaking about Silas.

Hearing about Silas Niklaus says he is not real. You and Finn are being paranoid for no reason and cuts the call.

Next day

Kol says to Finn he is going to the grill and will be back in 2-3 hours. Also asks Finn to continue researching on Silas.

Finn asks Kol to be careful.

Meanwhile, to remove Kol's compulsion on Damon, Klaus and Rebekah joined hands with Elena saving gang and decided to dagger Kol.

At the grill

Kol was busy drinking and Niklaus came to talk to him. Started saying about taking the compulsion off Damon and that there is no Silas. I have never heard of him and I have been alive for thousands years Kol.

Kol says you heard of him or not doesn't change the fact that Silas is real. I have come across his cult centuries ago. Saying so started to walk away only to bang in Rebekah.

Rebekah says that she will get the cure and he and Finn can't stop me from getting it.

Kol says how are you going to stop us?

Rebekah says like this.

Before Kol could understand anything Niklaus comes behind to hold his hands and Rebekah daggers him. Both take his body to Mikaelson mansion.

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