Part 17

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We have an aunt says Kol

Finn says our mother had an elder sister and brother. Aunt Dahlia was the eldest amongst the three siblings. Aunt Dahlia craved for the power that uncle Aaron had.

One day mother went to meet aunt Dahlia asked her to grant her the ability to have children. Aunt Dahlia granted the wish but for a price that mother would give away each child who bears Silas' curse to her.

Aunt Dahlia came to take me when I was 4 years old. She told me about the bargain. She tried to take me but I fought hard. When she was standing in front of Freya I casted one death spell which she dodged and my twin Jace came in took the death spell and died. I overpowered the evil Finn and began having an episode, aunt Dahlia realising that I am too strong, she took the easier target Freya and fled. Mother just watched that.

Kol says you never told this before.

Finn says Mother says that we lost Jace and Freya to plague but it felt so real that I don't know what to believe.

According to Father, mother wouldn't ever make such a bargain.

Perhaps I am imagining things maybe, I should probably forget this.

There is something else too that is troubling you Finn says Kol.

Always see right through me Kol says Finn.

I am just worried what if one of my children bears Silas' curse. I don't want him or her to suffer like I did. Also I don't want them to have my mental health issues.

Kol says we will be always there for them no matter what and they will be alright.

Finn says I should probably put a cloaking spell on the children so that no one comes to know about me being pregnant.

You are right Finn says Kol.

Finn does the cloaking spell.

Both Kol and Finn were in their thoughts of what the future holds for them. With those thoughts both of them sleep.

After 4 months

In these four months a lot has happened. Finn and Kol have started attending parental classes in Dallas, Texas. Nobody find out about Finn being pregnant.

Both mother and father didn't make an attempt to eradicate us all.

Niklaus' daughter was born but the witches took her to kill her on Esther's orders. They also killed Hayley but she woke up as a hybrid. Marcel saved Niklaus' daughter from the clutches of the witches with a little help from Davina.

At present

Kol and Finn received an invite for dinner at Niklaus' home from Esther. They both don't know what to do.
They knew that they had to go otherwise mother would get suspicious.

Finn did numerous spells on herself and her kids so that they don't figure it out that Finn is pregnant.

At Niklaus' mansion

Both Kol and Finn reached the mansion late. As they entered Niklaus makes a sarcastic comment about finally you both decided us to join.

Finn says sorry, for being late

Esther says not a problem. What matters is that you are both here now. Come both of you have a seat.

Kol and Finn took a seat besides Gabriel opposite to Esther.

Gabriel says why are you both late?

Elijah says it's not in your nature to be late Finn.

Kol replies that Finn was meditating so that she doesn't lose control of her magic.

Esther replies it's good Finn that you are working on it.

Finn says what were you all talking about?

Niklaus says how you both knew about me being a werewolf but never said a thing.

Both Kol and Finn were shocked at the accusation say we didn't know about that.

Niklaus says you were both witches. How could you both not sense it?

Both Kol and Finn look at each other thinking about that. Finn realises something.

Finn says it might be because of your necklace that we were not able to sense that you were a werewolf.

Niklaus says what do you mean?

Kol says that necklace you always wore was magical. Maybe it was spelled to prevent us from finding about you being a werewolf.

Hearing that Esther looks down.

Niklaus sees that and started accusing Esther. He threw the necklace at Esther.

Gabriel and Elijah had to restrain him from doing anything drastic.

Esther says that it was to protect you Niklaus.

But Niklaus was seething in anger.

Elijah says I think it's best to end this dinner here only.

Gabriel agreed.

Esther says fine, take care of him and leaves.

Kol said we should also leave Finn.

Elijah says can we talk?

Kol says what do you what to say now Elijah?

Gabriel says we want you both to stop conspiring against us and be back as a family. You have a niece now.

Kol replies we were never a family. You all never treated me and Finn as your family. She isn't our niece. For us she is just Niklaus' daughter.

Both Elijah and Gabriel looked disappointed and looked at Finn for help.

But Finn says Kol's right. We should be going now. Goodbye Gabriel, Elijah and Niklaus. They leave and go to their home.

Next day

Kol has gone out to buy some food for Finn. He sees Davina from a far and gets mesmerized seeing her.

When Kol was in a restaurant having coffee and talking to Finn over the phone that he will be back soon. Suddenly he sees Elijah fighting with someone. He hides himself and sees the fight.

He see that it's Mikael who is fighting with Elijah. He gets shocked and sacred. He remains hidden till the fight ended.

He goes back immediately to his and Finn's home. He tells Finn about the fight, that Father is back into action.

Finn reassures Kol that she won't let father hurt him. Besides we are not even his main targets. His main target is Niklaus and all those who support and are loyal to Niklaus.

Kol says you are right Finn.

Finn says what's with the look Kol?

Kol says what look Finn?

Finn says it's as if you have a crush on someone. Come on tell me who is it?

Kol says fine Finn. While I was doing shopping for food, I saw a girl I got mesmerized seeing her.

Finn says what's her name?

Kol says he doesn't know. I just saw her and she went away before I could talk to her.

Finn says awwww that's so cute. Don't worry I have a feeling that you will soon meet her.

Kol says hope so Finn

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