Part 36

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Next day

Davina has settled in pretty well and is doing well in teaching magic. Kol has proposed her and both are planning their wedding which would be held at school.

Finn was thinking this while waiting for Hayley and her daughter at the entrance of the school.

They both come out of their car and meet Finn.

Finn says welcome to the Salvatore boarding school for young and gifted. I am Finn one of the founder's of this school.

Hayley says hi Finn. This Hope my daughter.

Finn says says nice to meet you Hope. Should we begin the tour?

Hayley says yes.

Finn says this is the first and the only supernatural school - a first of it's kind. We wanted to create a place where supernatural kids can use their powers and abilities openly, be themselves and learn to be good and be the best version of themselves. We lay emphasis on the fact that we are a family and we stand by each other, fight for each other. We also lay emphasis on inclusiveness of the species, being respectful and accepting of each species, and passing no judgements for being different. We do not focus on the differences but on the similarities.

Our school is inspired from Harry Potter. Like the film, we have 4 houses competing for the house cup. The 4 houses are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. We randomly assign students their houses so that each house has a balance of all the species.

This is the main hall where all the students eat. All the students can sit anywhere. They are not restricted because of their houses or species. Let's go to the kitchen now. Here a team of chefs cook breakfast for the students and teachers with cleanliness. Here in this freezer there are blood bags for the vampires. They can come whenever they are hungry. Also this is human blood. We teach them to be on human blood and respect humans too.

Now this corridor leads the way to the library. This has books related to vampires, witches, werewolves and other general topics. This the librarian Miss Mary.

This corridor leads to the assembly hall where students get assembled in case headmaster, headmistress or the founders have to make any announcement.

And this room is artefacts room where we display all the artefacts. Don't worry the display boxes are spelled so no student can take the artefacts and mess with it.

Now comes the classrooms. This is Kol's class for advanced magic for adults. He also teaches history of supernaturals. This is Bonnie's class for basic magic for teens and adults. This is Davina's class for basic magic for kids. This is Emma's class for basic magic for kids. This is Caroline and Stefan's class for vampirism. This is Tyler's class for werewolves. This is Alaric's class for Latin and runes. This class is for learning how to fight real life battles which is taught by Enzo and Kingsley.

Also we encourage students to pursue extra curricular activities like language learning, playing sports, music, dancing, art etc. There are different teachers for that. Now Let's go outside. This is a newer version of football that we have created. There are certain ground rules that they have to follow.

This was all about the tour. Oh just one thing i forgot I am also one of the psychiatrist of the school. We also have therapist, psychologist and psychiatrist in our staff. Students go to them when they are having some issues. Nobody would judge you for that.

And we have a Honour Council and a student administrative body. If you have any trouble, you can tell them if the teachers are not available.

Now let's go to my cabin and start the enrollment formalities.

At Kol and Finn's cabin

Finn asks how did you find the place  Hope?

Hope says it's interesting.

Hayley says it's great. Hope would definitely like to join in. Isn't that right Hope?

Hope says yeah

Finn alright, Andrea could you please fill up these forms please?

Hayley says sure. After filling the forms, she gave these to Finn.

Finn says thank you Andrea. I will add this these details into the system now.

After adding the details Finn says your daughter is officially a student of this school. You can come tomorrow at 9am and I will give you your schedule hope and show you your dorm.

Hayley says thank you Finn. We will see you tomorrow bye.

Finn says bye.

At Mikaelson mansion

Hope says I don't want to go to that school. I want to be with my family.

Hayley says Hope, this school is the best chance that you have got at a bright future.

Hope says but why do I have to pretend to be Hope Marshall, daughter of Andrea Marshall who is a witch. Mom I am the tribrid, daughter of Klaus Mikaelson.

Hayley says our family has some enemies. In order to protect you from them, you have to pretend that you are just a witch whose name is Hope Marshall, daughter of Andrea Marshall.

Hope says ok mom.

Hayley makes hope sleep. Then she calls Klaus letting him know about Hope being an official student at the Salvatore boarding school.

In the meantime

Finn and the other teachers were chatting happily about having a new student without knowing that it's Klaus' daughter.

Next day

Hayley and Hope showed up on time and Finn gave Hope her schedule and told her that the new term is starting in a month so she is free for a month. Then she took Hayley and Hope to Hope's dorm. She opened the door and says you would be sharing this with Emery.

This is Emery and Emery this Hope Marshall, your new roommate and this is her mother Andrea Marshall.

Emery says hi to you both. Welcome to the Salvatore boarding school for young and gifted.

Hayley and Hope say hi to Emery.

Finn says now I should take leave. Emery would show you the room.

After Finn left, Emery showed the room to Hope and her mother. After that she leaves to meet her friends while Hayley and Hope decorate Hope's side of bedroom. As Hope is pretending to Hope Marshall she can't put pictures of her family without exposing herself. Hayley bids goodbye to Hope once she was settled in.

Hope is alone in her room thinking about her family, her father.

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