Part 34

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In New Orleans

The battle against the hollow and her followers continued. Freya had trap Klaus', Hayley and their daughter in the house through a spell bound by her life. The hollow's followers killed but she had Klaus' blood in her system. She woke up as a vampire and was devastated to know that she lost her magic but decided to be strong for her family. Vincent on Marcel's orders made her a daylight ring while Klaus and Hayley successfully kill the hollow's followers but one of them was able to get away and she took the bone too with her.

Hollow has all the bones with her, now all she needs is a big sacrifice. Hollow's followers got Marcel's beast bite venom and injected it in Elijah. He died but Vincent saved his soul in Freya's talisman thinking that hollow won't be able to resurrect herself then

Gabriel, Rebekah, Freya, Hayley, Klaus and their daughter mourned him asking Vincent to bring him back. Vincent was going to refuse but Marcel said we need as much help we can get Vincent. Vincent says fine and suddenly they hear Freya's talisman breaking. Vincent says we need to resurrect him soon but we need him to be stable. Someone needs to go inside his mind and find him. Then I can resurrect him.

Everyone except Klaus' daughter tried but they were not able to find him. Vincent says we don't much time. We need Kol and Finn.

Klaus says they would never help us in saving Elijah.

Gabriel says this might be the only way.

Vincent asks Kol and Finn to teleport to Niklaus' mansion in New Orleans.

They came and asked the matter.

Vincent tells them everything. We need Elijah to help us in destroying the hollow. Please Kol, Finn

Both Kol and Finn look at each and other having a silent conversation. Kol says fine.

Kol went first but he couldn't find him. Freya accuses him for not trying enough but he replies you lot were also not able to find Elijah.

Then it was Finn's turn.

Finn go inside, first she went through normal memories. Then she see the red door, Finn decides to check inside the red door and goes inside and starts calling for Elijah. Suddenly Finn get pinned down by Elijah. Finn starts using her magic on Elijah to free herself. They begin to fight and Finn was able to awaken the real Elijah while still inside the red door. Elijah stops attacking Finn and steps back. Finn says let's go Elijah. They come out of the red door.

Elijah apologises to Finn

Why would you hide behind the red door? Says Finn

Elijah doesn't say anything

Finn says I will let Vincent know that he can resurrect you.

Finn comes out and says I found Elijah. He is stable now. You can resurrect him.

Hayley says where did you find him?

Finn says it doesn't matter, what matters is that I found him.

Gabriel says Finn where did you find him?

Finn says the red door, he was reliving the memories of killing people when we were first turned.

Hayley says you are lying, he can't be inside the red door.

Freya says Finn isn't lying.

Hayley was devastated that Elijah chose those memories.

Klaus, Gabriel and Rebekah tried to console and show her that Elijah isn't bad.

Hayley says she needs some time.

Vincent successfully resurrect Elijah on the the other side hollow's followers successfully resurrected her and she mercilessly killed them all.

Finn and Kol were preparing to leave. Before leaving Kol wanted to visit Davina's grave. Kol went alone and Hollow visited him. She says that she has successfully resurrected Davina and you can have the life you have envisioned with her but you have to help me.

Kol says how were you able to resurrect Davina with the ancestral plane gone?

Hollow says I created the ancestral plane for witches. I can even bring back the ancestors and the ancestral plane.

Kol is in deep thoughts and says first I need to see Davina.

Hollow says come with me.

Kol went with her and gets shocked to see Davina.

Kol says but what's the catch?

Hollow says so that I know that you would be loyal to me I have linked Davina to me. She says you don't believe me watch this, she cuts him palm and droplets of her blood fall on the floor. Kol sees Davina is also bleeding. Kol says what does he have to do?

Hollow says there is a totem that I want you to protect till I am done with your family and gives him the totem and leaves.

Davina says Klaus' daughter might get in danger Kol.

Kol says he has a plan and calls Finn, Marcel, Josh and Vincent to come to the church where he is with Davina.

They come and get shocked seeing Davina. Kol tells them hollow resurrected her and both are linked together. Hollow has asked him to protect this totem. I have a plan we are getting Davina back, unlinked from the hollow and double crossing her.

They ask what's the plan Kol?

Kol says Finn you will unlink Davina and the hollow. Her blood is on the floor, you can use a blood gathering spell and Davina would give you hers, you need to get the sanguinius knot from the school while Vincent and Marcel keep the Mikaelsons busy and try to stop them from finding the hollow, Josh you stay with Davina while I will be with Finn. Got it.

Marcel says just try to unlink them quickly Finn, we won't be able to fool them for long.

Finn says I will try my best, Kol let's go to the playhouse.

They all started executing the plan.

But Niklaus figured that Vincent was wasting their time and got inside Vincent's head and came to about Davina being back and Kol's plan of getting her back. He gets made and starts calling Kol and Finn betrayers.

Gabriel says what's the matter?

Klaus tells them everything, they felt betrayed and went to Kol and Finn's playhouse to destroy the totem which Kol is protecting so that they can destroy the hollow as they already have the weapon made from the 7 bones and Klaus' daughter's blood. They got the bones as Vincent had a vision that hollow is back and he saw the place of her resurrection. Luckily hollow, left the bones there thinking that they won't cause any harm to her and are useless now.

Marcel tried to reason with them but they didn't listen and snapped his neck. Before they left they took Marcel's beast bite venom to kill Kol

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