Part 21

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Suddenly Marcel comes in the playhouse along with Josh, Niklaus, Gabriel, and Elijah

Davina says you spied on me Josh. How could you?

Josh says I am sorry Davina. But Marcel asked me to find out where you go.

Marcel starts bad mouthing Kol and Finn but Davina defends them and says you don't know them as I do. They are not using me.

Niklaus says they conspire against me and our siblings. What more evidence you need that they are betrayers loyal only to each other.

Davina says they conspire against you and your siblings because of what you did to them. But no more, you don't hold power over them. You don't have the daggers to neutralize Kol but we have the weapon to neutralize you.

Niklaus says I can't be daggered.

Kol shows two daggers and hands one to Finn and says but these special daggers would work on you.

Finn says we have completed the weapon we wanted to create in 1914. So stay away from us now. Because one wrong move and you would find yourself daggered in the coffin which would be at the bottom of the ocean.

Kol says recognise this. Shows the paragon diamond

Niklaus says how did you get this? I had safely hidden it.

Gabriel says so kidnapping Elijah was just a ruse. Your main aim was to get us out of the house so that you can steal it.

Finn says we didn't steal it. We just took back what was ours and which your precious Niklaus stole from us Gabriel.

Elijah says you call yourself moral but you are cruel Finn.

Your words mean nothing to me Elijah says Finn.

Davina says I stand by Kol and Finn Marcel. I am not going anywhere.

Marcel felt dejected and left with the rest.

Kol say thank you for standing by us.

Davina says not a problem.

After 2 months

In these two months mother has been dealt with. Niklaus turned her into vampire and she completed the transition. She is in the tomb.

Kol and Davina have become a couple much to Marcel's dismay.

At the play house

Kol and Davina have returned from their date. They were talking to Finn and suddenly Finn starts feeling pain in her stomach and she faints. The cloaking spells on her babies and stomach vanished. Her stomach showed which Davina noticed.

When Davina asked Kol about it, having no other choice Kol told Davina about Finn being pregnant.

Davina says she will check Finn and says she won't harm the kids.

After checking Finn, Davina says that the kids were doing magic that's why Finn felt sudden pain and fainted.

Kol says are Finn and the kids okay?

Davina says they are fine.

Finn wakes up and asks what happened?

Kol says according to Davina, the kids were doing magic. And before you start worrying I had to tell Davina because she was the only one who could have helped.

Finn nods in understanding

Finn asks Davina not to tell this to anyone.

Davina promised that she won't tell this to anyone.

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