Part 13

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After more than 4 months

Kol and Finn began conspiring against their so called siblings. They were making plans and what they need to do and what not.

They were discussing that, they heard a knock. Someone was at the door.

Kol answered the door and see Caroline standing looking worried

He let's her in and take her to where Finn was.

Caroline asks whether that spell successfully turned Silas into a stone?

Why are you asking me this Caroline? says Finn

Caroline tell them about what she has noticed about Stefan, how she didn't hear from him for 4 months, had visions of him drowning, now he seems changed and she feels Silas has done something to him.

The spell isn't bound by a witch's life but by the bloodline. As long as Mikaelson and Bennett bloodlines exist, the spell would remain in place says Kol

Can we please check whether it's Stefan in the box or Silas? Caroline says

Both Kol and Finn agreed.

Caroline let her mother know what she was doing.

At the lake

Caroline's mother arranged the team for getting the safe box from the river.

When they opened the safe box, it was Stefan inside the box not Silas. He was drowning and dessicating in the box for more than 4 months and nobody noticed. Caroline had tears in her eyes.

They take him to Kol and Finn's home

They started giving blood to Stefan to undesiccate him. It was human blood. With bunny blood it would take more time and was no guarantee that when he would wake up.

After 3-5 bags Stefan bagan to undesiccate.

Caroline tells Damon about Stefan being in the box drowning for 4 months and Silas posing as him. She tells him that she is at Kol and Finn's home.

Stefan was fully awake and scared.

Caroline place her palm on his face and say I am here now, you are not in the box. You are safe now.

Stefan says no one's safe. Silas is back. He is me.

Caroline says we know . He is posing as you.

Stefan says I am his doppelganger, his shadow self.

Caroline says what

Finn says it's true, when I first saw you, I thought you were Silas. Silas' full name is Silas Salvatore. He is your ancestor.

But how the spell broke says Kol

Stefan says Bonnie's dead. She died to bring Jeremy back from the dead

That explains why Kol. Bennett bloodline has ended so the spell broke. Says Finn

Finn continues Silas can get inside our head. He would know our every move.

Then what do we do Caroline says

I can fry Stefan's conscious brain so that Silas doesn't get inside our heads. Says Finn

But Stefan would lose his memories Finn continues.

Stefan says do it.

Finn starts the spell.

Damon comes and says what the hell are you doing to my brother?

Finn replies I am frying Silas' brain. No one said that it would be pretty.

Finn finished with the spell

Kol says now Silas cannot get inside our heads and we can plan his demise.

How the hell did Silas come back? Says Damon

Bonnie Bennett is dead. She died bringing Jeremy back, Caroline says.

Kol says spell was bound by the Mikaelson and Bennett bloodlines. With Bonnie's death the Bennett bloodline ended and the spell broke.

What about my brother? Says Damon

He would get up eventually but with no memories. I have fried his conscious brain to prevent Silas from invading our heads. All this was done with Stefan's permission Damon says Finn

Damon looks at Caroline who nods her head in yes.

Take him, he would be needing your help says Kol.

After a few days

Kol and Finn were finding a way to kill Silas but for that they needed him as a witch. He is practically unkillable as an immortal being.

Next day

Damon, Tyler, Matt, Jeremy and Silas went to Kol and Finn's home. As Kol opened the door Silas snapped his neck.

Finn entered the hall asking who is at the door Kol.

Before Finn could react Silas snapped her neck too.

Next day

Kol and Finn woke up and threw Matt and Tyler out of their house. Finn started looking for Qetsiyah's talisman but couldn't find it. Kol, Silas took Qetsiyah's talisman, now he would find the anchor says Finn

Kol says can you do some divergence spells so that it gives wrong locations to Silas.

Good idea Kol says Finn and starts doing the spells on the anchor.

They hear a knock, Kol went to answer that. He sees Stefan and Caroline standing and says what brought you both here? Came to snap our necks again? You are stupid to work with Silas.

Caroline says we are not working, Elena saving gang are working. Silas promised to bring Bonnie back.

After completing the spells, Finn goes towards the door and says what are you both here for?

Stefan says I want my memories back. I want to show Caroline that I am in love with her and not Elena. With me getting the memories isn't gonna change that.

Kol and Finn look at each other and Finn says okay. Since Silas is a witch again. You getting your memories back won't give Silas the ability to get into our heads now. But it's going to hurt a lot.

Stefan says he doesn't care.

Finn starts the spell and Stefan is in lot of pain. Finally it was over. And Stefan says he remembers everything.

Caroline hugs him for being back and he hugs her back.

Suddenly Kol, Finn, Stefan and Caroline hear Silas' voice

Silas says what a beautiful sight to watch. Standing beside him were Damon, Jeremy, Matt and Tyler.

Finn says what do you want Silas?

Silas snaps the necks of Kol, Finn, Stefan and Caroline.

After sometime

They all woke up and started to wonder why Silas had snapped their necks. As they went to go out of the house after Silas, they found that they have been trapped by Silas.

Finn tried to siphon the spell but it didn't work.

Kol says the spell is bound by the sun. We trapped till Sun down. We need to locate him Finn.

Finn says working on it. It seems that Silas performed some other spell to seeing the condition of the room.

Kol points out the markings on Finn and Stefan's forehead. Stefan says what are they?

Finn says we will find later. Kol take pictures of the markings please. Kol does that and also clicks the photo of the room.

Finn locates Silas and finds that he has located the anchor and is going after it.

We need to kill Silas first says Kol

But we can't get out of the house says Stefan

We can't but Elena saving gang can says Caroline

Caroline tells her plan to Kol, Finn and Stefan, seeing the things at stake they agreed.

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