Part 46

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At New Orleans

At Niklaus' mansion

Everyone was preparing for the dinner with sadness. Hope was oblivious to their sadness and was happy that they were having a family dinner.

Hope says I am going to my room to get ready. Her family said ok. And she went. But she remembers that her phone is downstairs, she goes to get it but what she hears shatters her.

Elijah says it's not late to ask Finn to put the hollow in me.

Klaus says I have burdened you enough. It's I who would die tonight.

Gabriel says Hope would need you.

Freya says Gabriel is right Klaus.

Rebekah says Hope would be devastated to know that you would be gone.

Klaus says you all would be there to take care of her.

Hope says what? She is in tears.

Everyone see Hope

Klaus says Hope

Hope says what you mean you are going to kill yourself? Why you are doing this?

Klaus says nothing in this world exists that can withstand the power of Hollow. Hollow was basically consuming you and killing you. You wouldn't have survived the transformation. I did what I needed to do to save you Hope.

Hope says you took the hollow.

Klaus says I have to kill myself otherwise hollow would takeover. It's the only way.

Hope says this isn't fair dad. I just got you back and goes to her room crying.

Klaus goes after her.

Klaus says Hope at least say something, scream if you must but please don't be silent.

Hope says why can't uncle Elijah take the hollow. He was ready to do it.

Klaus says what kind of father allows another man to die for his daughter.

Hope says the kind who loves her daughter.

Klaus says I love you Hope. Never forget that. I didn't live an honourable life but I can have an honourable death. What better than dying for my daughter. My heir you gave me something that I didn't know that I can feel it, unconditional love and hugs Hope.

The family sees that and feels sad.

Hope sees her family looking at her with sadness. She says I need to process this new information. I need to be alone. I will be back for dinner.

Klaus says ok and let's her go.

Elijah goes after her.

Elijah says your father is doing the right thing. Don't blame yourself.

Hope says it's my fault because of me mom died, and now dad's dying too.

Elijah says I am sure that your mother and father don't blame you for their deaths. Any parent would do that for their child. Now come on, Kol, Finn, and kids are also coming.

But they have declared that we are not family says Hope.

Elijah says they are our family always remember that. Niklaus' death has brought them to have a dinner with us, maybe with time we would be back together as a family. We have an eternity with us.

Hope says you are right, they are family. They are Uncle Kol, aunt Finn and my cousins.

Elijah says that's right Hope. Let's go, it's time for dinner.

At dinner

Kol, Davina, Finn, triplets and twins arrive at the mansion.

Freya says Kol, Finn, Jace, Alec and Emery thanks for coming. What are Davina and Caroline's daughters doing here? It's a family dinner.

Kol sharply replies that Davina is my wife and twins are siblings of the triplets. So they are family. Hence at the family dinner. Got a problem with that Freya?

Elijah says of course not brother, they are more than welcome to join.

Gabriel says why don't we sit and have dinner?

Everyone get seated and starts having dinner.

Freya says you all had a 1,000 years to yourselves why don't you share few stories? Finn we will start with you.

Everyone agreed and were looking at Finn to start her story.

Finn says there is nothing much to say but when we were turned, I and Kol lost our magic and connection with nature. We spent a century looking for a way to get our magic back, to reverse what mother did. But eventually, we had to accept the bitter truth that we won't be able to reverse what mother did to us. After grieving for a while we started to explore my new magic abilities that I got because of Silas' curse. We would travel all over the world and learn different kinds of witchcrafts. We would bond with the witches, teach them magic and learn from them. It was the least we could do as there was no way of getting our magic back, no breaking a curse or anything. We lost our magic forever. It was hard for us to accept it and live an eternity of pain, be a creature that both Kol and I began to despise.

Rebekah says please Kol relished in being a vampire. You were the only one who hated being one Finn.

Kol says sorry to break your fantasy but like Finn I hated being a vampire. I tried looking for ways that being a vampire can make me feel what I felt as a witch. The rush that I used to feel as a witch I began feeling as a vampire when I killed. But you won't get it because you didn't lose anything. According to you lot, only Niklaus lost his werewolf side, Kol and Finn lost nothing. Because according to you practising magic was a waste of time. But you are wrong. Magic meant a lot to Finn and me. It was our life, our identity.

Saying this Kol gets up and leaves to go to the balcony. Finn goes after him.

Jace says you have upset mom and uncle Kol.

Lizzie says seriously can't a dinner with you guys go without hurting someone's feelings.

Freya says Rebekah was just saying the truth.

Emery says how would you know that what she said was the truth? You weren't there with them. You believe because it came from Rebekah. Nothing else.

Alec says only mom know how uncle Kol felt about being a vampire. You just saw uncle Kol killing but couldn't see his pain.

Lexi says she and uncle Kol were witches, servants of nature. They became something that was against their beliefs.

Freya says I was a witch but I became a vampire. I don't hate it.

Jace says for mom and Uncle Kol magic was their life. It wasn't a tool for them. It was a part of who they were. When they became vampires, they both were lost and you lot did nothing to console them because you were busy consoling your precious Niklaus. My mom had to be strong for both herself and uncle Kol.

Alec says they were each other's strength. They had no one there for them except each other. Gabriel had already turned his back on them when they were human. While the rest of you turned your backs completely after becoming vampires.

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