Part 18

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Next day

Niklaus and Mikael were fighting at the cemetery with the white oak stake.

Davina, Camille were watching not knowing what to do while Gabriel and Elijah were helping Niklaus.

Kol and Finn came to the cemetery to pay their respects to the witches who were loyal to them. They get shocked seeing Gabriel, Elijah and Niklaus fight Mikael with the while oak stake.

Finn and Kol standing not far from Davina and Camille. Finn says Kol if father kills any of them then numerous vampires in their bloodline would die too.

Davina and Camille hears it and says what? How do you know that?

Kol says when Finn and I died, all the vampires in our bloodline died with us. It's how the spell was casted.

Camille says Davina you have to do something.

Davina says Klaus turned Marcel and Marcel turned Josh. I have to save my friends.

Davina starts using magic on Mikael but it was of no use.

Mikael threw Elijah and Gabriel away and pointed the white oak stake at Niklaus' heart.

Camille says Davina do something.

Davina says Mikael is too strong.

Kol says Finn we have to do something. We might be wanting revenge from them but we don't wish them dead.

Finn says you are right Kol. I can with a spell for sometime change the property of the white oak stake so that it doesn't kill Niklaus.

Davina says tell me the spell. I will do it.

Finn tells her that we need to perform the spell together as it's a very powerful spell.

Davina having second thoughts says how can you be a witch when you are a vampire?

Finn says there is no time to answer that.

Kol says we want revenge from Niklaus and his family too but that doesn't mean that we are allowing innocent vampires to die. You want to save your friends, you have to trust us. We need to work together.

Davina says ok.

Finn and Davina started the spell while Mikael was staking Niklaus with the white oak stake. The spell was successful as Niklaus didn't die.

Mikael says why aren't you dead Niklaus.

Niklaus says looks like the witches are on my side Mikael.

Mikael sees Davina and Finn and begins to charge at them.

But before that Finn places a sleeping spell on Mikael.

Gabriel and Elijah says thank you Davina and Finn for saving Niklaus.

Davina says I only did that to save my friends.

While Finn says that I and Kol didn't want innocent vampires to die without a fault of their own.

Gabriel says still I appreciate you for doing the right thing.

Elijah says can you both come for lunch tomorrow.

Kol and Finn looked at each other and Finn says fine, we will be at Niklaus' mansion at 1 pm.

Niklaus says great. What are we going to do with Mikael?

Kol says we will take his body to our home and make sure he remains asleep.

Niklaus says excellent. Now we should get going.

All left except Davina, Kol and Finn.

Davina went to Kol and Finn and says thank you for your help. My name is Davina, Davina Claire

Kol says hi Davina, my name is Kol, Kol Mikaelson and this is my elder sister Finn Mikaelson.

Davina gets excited meeting them and says I have read about you both in my ancestors journal and wished to meet you both.

Both Finn and Kol get happy hearing that. Kol say would you like to come to my and Finn's home for a chat?

Davina says of course.

At Kol and Finn's home

Kol places Mikael in a circle in one of the rooms and Finn does spells on him. Davina was watching that.

Then they came to the hall/living room and begin to chat.

Davina again asks about how she is a heretic?

Finn tells her the story of Silas and his curse.

Kol says what about you Davina? tells us something and yourself.

Davina starts telling about the harvest ritual, how she was sacrificed. How Marcel saved her.

Kol says we had put a stop to harvest ritual in our time. It's sad that they started doing it again just for power.

Finn says it's good that Marcel saved you.

Davina says how Niklaus killed her friend and wronged her, Gabriel, Elijah and Rebekah lied to her.

Kol says since we we have the same enemies why don't we join hands and get revenge together.

Davina says I don't trust Mikaelsons but my ancestor held you both in high regard. So I am trusting my ancestor and willing to work with you both. Don't break my trust.

Finn says we won't.

Kol says thank you for trusting us.

Davina says she has to go now.

Kol says alright.

Finn says let's exchange numbers so that we can contact each other.

All three exchange numbers and Davina left.

Finn started teasing Kol about having a crush on Davina.

Kol says enough teasing Finn. We have to think about tomorrow's lunch with our so called family.

Finn says I hope that it goes ok without any drama.

Kol says it's with them we are having lunch, drama would obviously be there.

They both slept after having dinner.

Next day

Kol and Finn sent a text to Davina to come to their home. They have to show something to her.

Davina came and started asking excitedly what is it?

Kol asks her to have some patience and along with Finn takes her to their play house.

Kol started telling about it to Davina how under his guidance the witches created dark objects in this house, practiced magic.

Finn says but we had to put a blood seal in it so that no one else's uses the dark objects or go inside our play house.

Davina says blood seal? How do we open this?

Kol says it was sealed by Finn and your ancestor Mary-Alice Claire.

Davina says what do you need me to do?

Finn says we just need a little bit of your blood and then magic would do it's job. Finn tells Davina the spell and asks her to chant it with her.

The door to the play house is opened.
All three go inside. Kol and Finn are happy to be inside while Davina is excited to be in the place where her ancestor practiced magic.

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