Part 27

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On her way to Mystic Falls, Finn was constantly thinking of everything that had happened. She regrets not being able to save Kol's happiness. She vowed to protect her kids and Kol from now on. She was missing the triplets and Kol but knew that she has a deal to honour.

Meanwhile Kol was taking care of the triplets with the nurse and was missing Davina badly, wishing how she should be here to help him taking care of his nephews and niece.

After a few hours

Finn reached the entrance of Mystic falls. She greets the Mystic Falls gang and they greeted her back. They asked her where Kol was?

Finn replies he is busy at the moment. Enough talking. I will begin siphoning the spell.

After 15 minutes

Finn stopped chanting and said she has absorbed the spell. You all are free to enter Mystic Falls. They said thank you to Finn while Finn says no worries, It was part of the deal. I keep my word and promises.

They again said thank you to Finn and leave

At the Grill

Finn was sitting and talking over the phone with Kol that how some girl is pregnant with the Gemini Twins and she has to find out who. She says that she will be back in a week. Take care of everyone. I will keep you updated. All this was heard by Caroline who was shocked.

Caroline went up to Finn and said Hi

Finn greeted back and asked what are you doing here Caroline?

Caroline say I came to eat, I was feeling very hungry. Caroline's order came and she begins to eat. She says I heard you talking to Kol.

Finn says you shouldn't hear other people's talks.

Caroline say I am sorry for that. But, why do you believe that there is a girl pregnant with Gemini coven twins?

Finn replies that the spell Gemini coven were chanting till their last breath was the spell to get a girl pregnant with the coven's leader twins.

Caroline say that's wrong on so many levels.

Finn says it was their way of protecting the existence of their coven.

Caroline says Finn, how are we going to find the woman then?

Finn says there is a spell that I would perform to find the Gemini coven twins. After that she left from there. But Caroline went after her and say I want to help. Finn asked why?

Caroline says Olivia and Luke from the Gemini coven were my friends. Their nieces or nephews are my family too. Finn says okay, let's go.

At Kol and Finn's home

Finn was preparing to perform the spell. Once everything was set, she started the spell to find the Gemini coven twins. Finn says the blood would tell us where the woman is.

However, the blood started making it's way where Caroline was standing and began dropping on the floor. Caroline didn't understand and says to Finn I think the spell isn't working.

But what Finn says next shocks Caroline.

She says the spell worked. They are in you, Caroline. You are the woman pregnant with the Gemini coven twins.

Caroline says I am a vampire and vampires can't get pregnant and leave from there without listening to what Finn had to say.

After Caroline leaves, Finn calls Kol and tells him about Caroline being pregnant with the Gemini coven twins and she doesn't believe me Kol. Kol says you can't blame her for that Finn, you probably need to show her the evidence of her being pregnant.

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