Part 16

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After a month

Kol and Finn didn't do any other conspiracy against their so called siblings.

This was because some strange things have started to happen with Finn. Like Finn who has the best control like Caroline lost control. Kol came in time to save the day and began questioning Finn for losing control.

Then Finn would be hungry all the time. Finn started throwing up blood too. Her magic would go haywire.

Finn says do vampires get sick Kol? Because if not then what is wrong with me?

We will find out Finn says Kol.

Finn says I have been feeling different since I woke up after Silas snapped our necks at our home.

Kol says what do you mean by different Finn?

Finn says I can't explain that but something has changed. Remember you pointed out the markings on my and Stefan's forehead.

Kol says yeah, I took the photos and I also took the photos of the room in which Silas performed a spell.

Finn says could it be because of Silas?

Kol says only one way to find out.

Both Kol and Finn starts looking at the photographs Kol took and started making notes.

The mark on Finn's forehead meant mother and on Stefan's forehead meant father.

Finn says why would Silas write mother and father on our foreheads?

Kol thinks and realises something and says no way, that's not possible.

Finn says what Kol?

Kol says that you are pregnant with Stefan Salvatore's child.

Finn says that's absurd Kol, I can't be pregnant. I didn't sleep with Stefan Salvatore. Moreover Stefan Salvatore is a vampire. And vampires can't procreate.

Kol says think Finn all the signs are of a pregnant woman. You getting hungry all the time, losing control, puking.

Finn says but Kol

Kol says Silas performed a spell. We don't know what he did. Please trust me. Let's go to the hospital and get you tested.

Finn says ok but we should probably go to a hospital which is outside New Orleans.

Kol says yeah, you are right. I will book an appointment for you in the hospital, you go and rest.

Kol makes a booking in Dallas hospital for Finn. He got tomorrow's appointment.

Next day

Kol and Finn left for Dallas in a car it took them almost 9 hours to reach the hospital.

Kol and Finn were waiting for Finn's turn.

Doctor called both Kol and Finn in.

Doctor applies the gel on Finn's stomach and tried to see the babies but there was nothing on the screen.

Doctor says are you sure that you are pregnant.

Finn says I am not sure that's why I am here to find out.

Suddenly I nurse calls the doctor for some emergency.

Doctor says she will be back.

Kol says ok doctor, take your time. We will wait for you.

Doctor smiles and leaves the two of them alone

Finn says see Kol I am not pregnant.

Kol says something doesn't look right. Your symptoms are of a pregnant woman. But why nothing is being shown. Unless the babies are protected by a cloaking spell.

Finn looks at Kol and says fine I will do the uncloaking spell and see.

After the spell

What Finn sees on the screen next shocks her as she wasn't believing that she is pregnant. She saw 3 babies on the screen.

Finn says Kol

Kol says I told you so

Finn says but how is this possible?

Kol says we will find out. I promise.

Doctor comes back and sees the triplets on the screen and congratulates Finn.

Doctor asks her to take care of herself.

On the way back to New Orleans, Kol could see Finn lost in her own thoughts. He doesn't say anything and leave Finn with her own thoughts.

After a few hours

Finn breaks the silence and says I still can't believe that I am pregnant Kol, that too with triplets. But we have to find out how?

At New Orleans

At Kol and Finn's home

Finn tries to summon Silas but wasn't successful. Kol and Finn realise that there is no other side.

It would mean that mother and father are back Kol says Finn

Kol says we have to be careful from now on.

Finn says let's use the hand of glory (a dark object) to talk to Silas.

Kol brings the hand of glory

Finn starts doing the spell and summons Silas

Silas says Finn what makes you summon me after all you wanted me dead along with your brother Kol.

Kol says what did you do to Finn?

Silas says you found out.

Finn says please Silas tell us what you did and why.

Silas says I wanted my bloodline to flourish but that wasn't possible with me dying. So I did one thing that I could do. I performed a spell on you Finn and Stefan as he was my doppelganger and you Finn bear my curse. You withhold the magic of the Salvatore bloodline. I wanted my bloodline to continue and it was the only way. I have done numerous evil deeds especially to your ancestor Athena and her descendants. I wanted to give you a gift, a blessing and what better than children. Please take care of the children and if possible forgive me for the pain I have caused you both and your ancestors. Silas vanishes as the candle has melted fully.

Finn says I want to keep them Kol. I don't care how they are created but I am their mother and Stefan their father.

Kol says they would obviously need a fun loving uncle.

Finn says thank you Kol for accepting my decision.

Kol says I will always be there for you Finn

And they hug each other.

Finn says we have to be very careful with me being pregnant, mother and father back.

Kol says they haven't taken any action against any of us yet. They must be waiting for the right moment to charge.

Finn looks worried

Kol says why are you tensed Finn?

Finn says because of aunt Dahlia.

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