Part 15

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At New Orleans

Kol and Finn took a ride from the airport to their home in New Orleans which again had a witchy vibe to it. Although they were missing their playhouse where Finn with the witches under the guidance of Kol created many dark objects.

Kol and Finn decided to keep a low profile and don't let anyone find of their arrival to New Orleans.

They decide to execute their first plan of action. They decided to reveal to Niklaus that it was Rebekah who called Mikael to New Orleans. Kol when not being summoned by Finn could see the happenings around him because of his magical bracelet. He saw Rebekah and Marcel calling Mikael to New Orleans with the help of a witch.

Finn did an astral projection spell but Niklaus or anybody couldn't see her she snaps his neck and take his body to her and Kol's home.

Finn tie him to a chair with spelled chains so that he can't break off.

On the other side Kol using some of the dark objects sent clues to Gabriel, Elijah and Rebekah about Niklaus location and what Rebekah and Marcel did.


Niklaus woke up to find himself in Kol and Finn's home in chains. He started shouting Finn and Kol's name asking them to show up.

Finn comes in and says oh Niklaus you are so loud.

Niklaus says what is the meaning of this Finn? Why am I here?

Kol comes and says you are here because we want to show you something. To show who is the biggest betrayer amongst us.

Niklaus says stop talking nonsense.

Finn immobilizes Niklaus and takes Niklaus inside Kol's head.

Finn says we can see Kol's memories. Whenever Kol was daggered if I wasn't able to save him, I would summon his spirit because of a magical bracelet Kol wears. Because of the same bracelet Kol would be able to see what's happening around him when he isn't summoned by me.

Kol says we want to show you the biggest betrayal you could get.

Niklaus says you both conspire against me and our family. No one's betrayal is bigger than both of yours.

Finn says we will see. Let the show begin.

Kol opens one of the doors and Niklaus sees Rebekah calling Mikael to New Orleans with the help of a witch. Niklaus is angry, betrayed, heartbroken that his baby sister betrayed him, called Mikael to New Orleans.

Kol says after that Rebekah killed the witch brutally because she didn't want you to find out. See this yourself.

Kol opens another door and Niklaus sees what Rebekah did with the witch whom she called her friend.

Once they come out of Kol's mind, Niklaus is still in shock with what he witnessed.

Finn opens up his chains and says now you got to know that the biggest betrayer is your precious Rebekah.

Before Niklaus could say anything Marcel, Gabriel, Elijah and Rebekah showed up at Kol and Finn's home.

Rebekah says it's not true Nik.

But Niklaus charges at Rebekah and a fight ensued immediately. Marcel, Gabriel, Elijah intervene and Elijah was able to snap Niklaus' neck. Gabriel orders Elijah take Niklaus home, Marcel and Rebekah go as far as you can go from Niklaus.

They all leave except Gabriel who decides to have a conversation with Kol and Finn

Gabriel comes closer to Kol and Finn and says how could you both do this?

Finn says well we captured Niklaus, showed him what Kol saw. And that's it the rest was done by Niklaus.

When me and Elijah asked you to come to New Orleans, we wanted you both to be there for the family. Here you are doing the exact opposite. I am so disappointed in you both. says Gabriel

Both Kol and Finn say we can live with that. Kol continue It's not like you treated us like your family.

Enough Kol that's not true. And Finn instead of making him see his faults you are encouraging him more. When did you change so much?

Finn coldly replies I didn't change Gabriel you did and for the worse.

Gabriel scoffs at both of them and leaves from there to handle Niklaus.

Finn says Kol are you okay?

Kol says yeah, they never see their own faults and are always ready to blame us. Why they don't consider us worthy of love?

Finn says you are worthy of love. They just don't see it because they are selfish.

Kol says thanks Finn for being there for me and never leaving me.

Finn says you're welcome. Now let's find Rebekah and trap her for Niklaus.

Finn did a locator spell to find Rebekah.

Kol and Finn kidnap Rebekah and trap her in the cemetery.

Finn sends a chit to Niklaus stating Rebekah's location.

At the cemetery

Kol and Finn were waiting for Rebekah to wake up.

Rebekah woke up and says how could you both do this to me? How can you betray me?

Kol starts laughing and says that's rich coming from you. Weren't you the one who betrayed me and Finn?

Rebekah looks at the floor ashamed.

They hear Niklaus coming in and they see he has a white oak stake. Kol and Finn gets happy seeing that while Rebekah looked terrified.

Gabriel and Elijah not that behind have come to save their precious Rebekah.

After a lot of drama

Niklaus didn't kill Rebekah and let's her go.

Both Kol and Finn were beyond pissed that their plan didn't work the way they wanted.

Gabriel says to Niklaus I am proud of you. You forgave our sister for her betrayal.

Elijah says There is still hope for you brother.

After this Gabriel and Elijah go where both Kol and Finn were sitting.

Seeing them both Kol and Finn got up.

Gabriel slaps Finn and Elijah slaps Kol.

Both Kol and Finn place their hand on the cheek they were just slapped.

Gabriel says I am ashamed of you both.

Finn says we don't need your validation.

Elijah says you both wanted our sister dead. That's why you both did this.

Kol says Rebekah betrayed me and Finn first.

Gabriel says because you and Finn were conspiring against Niklaus.

Finn says you are such a hypocrite Gabriel, all of you are. You justify Rebekah's conspiracy against Niklaus as a result of Niklaus ' cruel actions but when we conspire, it's us betraying your precious Niklaus.

Elijah says talk with respect Finn, he is our brother.

Kol says you never treated us as your siblings so why would we treat you guys as one.

Gabriel says what has gotten into you two? Ever since we became vampires, you are being a threat to our family.

Finn says nothing has happened to us. We are just expressing what we truly feel. Turns to Kol and says let's go Kol.

They leave the cemetery and go to their home.

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