Part 10

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On the other hand

Finn found that without the Bennett witch Silas cannot be raised, so she decides to go to Bonnie and talk to her.

Finn texts Kol about her going to talk to Bonnie.

At the school

Bonnie doesn't listen to what Finn had to say. Finn says you are full of expression magic, you are not understanding the consequences of it.

Bonnie starts lashing out at Finn and her magic goes out of control.

Finn having no other choice, starts using her own magic against the Bennett witch. As Finn was about to kill the Bennett witch Rebekah came and snapped Finn's neck from behind.

Later on

Finn wakes up and sighs in frustration at her being unsuccessful in killing Bennett witch.

She gets up and checks her phone to see any update from Kol. There wasn't. Finn got tensed about Kol and decided to do a locator spell to find Kol.

Finn found him at the Mikaelson mansion. Thinking something isn't right, Finn decided to investigate.

Finn entered the mansion without anyone's notice and found Kol daggered. As she removes the dagger from Kol, Niklaus and Rebekah come in.

Finn says for your own selfish reasons you daggered Kol.

Rebekah says you and Kol left us with no other choice.

Finn says Kol and I were stopping you all from raising the evil.

Niklaus says again with the Silas story Finn. For the last time, there is no Silas. Now give me the dagger Finn otherwise.

Finn says otherwise what? You will link me to Kol and dagger Kol. I won't let that happen.

Both Niklaus and Rebekah charge at Finn, there is an intense battle going on between them.

Suddenly Rebekah points the white oak stake at Finn's heart while Finn gets into the clutches of Niklaus.

Kol wakes up and sees the white oak stake pointed at Finn and attacks Rebekah. He was able to take the white oak stake from her and Finn freed herself from Niklaus.

Finn snaps there necks with magic. Both of them leave from there for their home in Georgia taking the last dagger and white oak stake.

At Georgia

Both were discussing what to do next and how all of them are blinded to see the truth.

They were hiding the anchor to the other side. Finn placed lots of protection and cloaking spells on it so that no one finds it.

After that both came back to Mystic Falls to stop their siblings Niklaus and Rebekah and Elena saving gang from raising Silas.

Finn went to her and Kol's home while Kol went to get Caroline.

At Kol and Finn's home

Finn was continuously trying to get a hold of Elijah or Gabriel so that they could at least put some sense into Niklaus and Rebekah. But they were not responding.

At school

Kol was successful in kidnapping Caroline and brought her to his and Finn's home.

At Kol and Finn's home

Caroline woke up and asks Kol and Finn why you have kidnapped me?

Finn says my apologies but we can't let you all find the cure. We cannot let you raise Silas.

Caroline say how do you know he is real? Why are you afraid of him?

Kol says he will bring an end to the world and we like it the way it is.

Stefan was calling Caroline. Kol answered and put it on speaker that Caroline is a bit occupied.

Stefan says what did you do to Caroline? If you hurt her I won't leave you.

Finn says we are not going to hurt Caroline but you have to stop looking for the cure. Silas would kill all of us.

Stefan says ok, I will inform the others but don't hurt Caroline.

After a few hours

Kol received a call from Rebekah. She says I won't look for the cure but Elena and her gang wants to hear more about Silas from you. They want to meet you at the Gilbert house.

Kol says he will meet them. But if it's a trap it won't be good and cuts the call.

Finn asks Kol to be careful. Kol leaves.

Finn and Caroline sat in silence. Finn was still trying to reach Elijah and Gabriel, leaving numerous messages.

After half an hour

Finn starts to scream in pain and realises Kol's in danger. She gets up to leave their home to help Kol, her body starts to burn and she dies.

Caroline frees herself and inspect Finn's body. She decides to take the body to the Gilbert house.

Meanwhile at the Gilbert house

Before 30 minutes

Kol reaches the Gilbert house and gets invited in by Elena and Jeremy. He sees the whole gang present there - Damon, Bonnie, Matt, Tyler.

Kol tells them the story of how he came across Silas' cult, of their bloodline being cursed by Silas and Finn bearing the curse.

Elena says we still don't see that Silas is real.

Kol says he is real and begins to leave but gets stopped by a barrier.

When Kol turns his face back to them to tell them to remove the spell, he gets sprayed by vervain which hurts him.

Bonnie immobilizes Kol and takes the white oak stake.

Kol tries to move but Bonnie's magic is too strong. Matt, Tyler and Jeremy shoots him with wooden bullets laced with vervain and werewolf venom. Elena drives the white oak stake through Kol's heart which kills him.

Since they linked Kol and Finn with Niklaus and Rebekah's help, Finn also died.

Niklaus came to see how it was going but what he sees shocks him, Kol is dead so is Finn.

Niklaus say no, I will kill you all.

Elena says you wanted the cure just as much as we did. Kol and Finn were a hurdle to us. You were willing to get them out of the way.

Niklaus says yes by linking them together and daggering Kol and consequently Finn.

Bonnie asks Elena to invite Niklaus in, Elena does that.

Bonnie immobilizes Niklaus before he can charge and they get out of the house and leave.

When Niklaus tries to go after them, he gets stopped by a magical barrier.

Niklaus sits besides Kol's body and looks guilty for his role in Kol and Finn's death. He calls Gabriel and Elijah inform them of Kol and Finn's demise. He asks them to come to the Gilbert house.

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