Chapter 1

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RuangThira went to the temple and they gave offerings. Every year Ruang brings his husband to the temple and donate money for the upcoming ceremonies.

Later in the afternoon they went to Thira's hometown Kanchanaburi. They went to the khaew orphanage where Thira came from. Yes, Thira is an orphan, he came from this orphanage home, after his high school he came to Bangkok to continue his higher studies.

They also donate money together every year on Thira's birthday. Or if they need any emergency fund they are always ready to help them.

They spend a few minutes there in the orphanage before they go to the river khwae bridge.

Thira: Ahh…'s nice to come here every single time. I miss this environment.

Ruang: I totally understand you P'. Even though this is not my hometown and I do not know much about this city, I can tell how you miss this place. But don't worry, the independent villa is in the finishing stage. And next time we will stay here for a day or two before we go to Bangkok.

Thira: Right,....I am so excited.

One of Thira's dreams is to build a house in his hometown. Thira started saving money for this when he started working as a tutor in his college days. After he started working he could save more money, now in a month Thira's dream will happen.

They have to go back to Bangkok because the travel time is more than three hours. If they start late then they will reach at midnight. They stayed there for a few minutes before they drove from there.

Ruang and Thira like traveling but it's a different reason for both of them. Thira likes to travel because he likes to view different places while traveling. For Ruang it's business purpose. Ruang is working as a hospitality manager in santichai hotels. While traveling he looks around a few hotels and gets to know more about people in the city.

But today it's different because he is with his love and he wants to not focus on anything but him.

Thira: You can do that staring contest in our home. Just focus on the road baby Ru.

Ruang: You are so cute P'Ra. What should I do?

Thira: Then you should drive without looking at me often so we won't get into any accidents and you can look at me later at our home as much as you want.

Ruang: Okay okay. Let's listen to some songs.

Ruang turned on the music and started humming to that. They were about to reach Bangkok when he noticed someone following them behind in another car. He has seen this car since he started from Kanchanaburi but he thought it's nothing serious so he didn't mind at first until the car followed them to the juice shop they drop by in between. After they get in the car and take a turn to another route which is the longest route to reach Bangkok but few people take that route because they go to some Village around the place or have someone business there. But that car did not drop anywhere in between but followed them until they reached Bangkok.

Thira noticed Ruang's expression changed from time to time so he also turned back but he didn't mind to notice the car following them as something serious.

Thira: Ru, what happened.

Ruang: No it's nothing P'Ra.

Thira: Baby…..

Ruang: Can I ask you something?

Thira: What is it, Ru?

Ruang: I want to go to the theme park before going to the restaurant which we booked for dinner. So can we go?

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