Chapter 33

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Few minutes before Thawan entered the house Thira and Rung picked Yihwa and Sorn respectively walking to the ThiraRuang room.

Thira: They look so tired.

Rung: Yeah, let them sleep here.

They gently place the kids down on the bed and Rung was about to close the window so that she could turn on the AC but stopped when she saw Thawan get down from the car.

Rung: Thira, P’Thawan…….…He is here.

Thira: What?

Thira rushed to the window and saw Thawan walking to the door. They were stunned and looked at each other with surprise.

Rung: Let's go downstairs.

Thira nodded and they came downstairs. Rung went to call Rak while Thira strode across the living room and called his husband.

Thira: Ruang.

Ruang: Yes P’.

Thawan: Ruang!!

Ruang and everyone turned to the direction where Thawan was standing in front of the door.

Ruang: P'!!?

Ruang was astonished looking at his brother who he didn't have contact with for a long time after their housewarming ceremony.

Ruang couldn't believe his eyes and started crying. Thawan saw him crying and ran towards him before hugging.

Thawan: Don't cry nong. I am sorry.

Ruang: I hate you P’.

Thawan: Nong, I am sorry. Please forgive me na.

Ruang: Why didn't you contact me? You asked me to not let me see you but you should have atleast called me once in a while. And top of it you asked me to not call you until you contact me first. You are so cruel P'.

I hate you.

Thawan was so strong but when he kept on hearing his brother saying “he hates him” made him cry with him.

Thawan: I am really sorry. My baby. I was so cruel and I am a bad P’.

Ruang missed his brother so much but at the same time he is mad at him for not contacting him for years. But now he is seeing him, he is so happy and wants him to not let go again.

Ruang: I missed you P'. I missed you so much.

Thawan: I am sorry nong.

Ruang hugged his brother tightly and sobbing loudly. Few seconds later he calmed down a little and looked at his brother who was still crying looking at him.

Ruang: P' don't cry………..I am sorry……I was so mad that I couldn't see you all these years. And I missed you so much that when I saw you I couldn't control my emotions.

Thawan: I deserved it nong.

Ruang: P'.........I am sorry.

Thawan: Don't apologize nong. It's me who made you mad at me for what I did.

Ruang: But……

Thawan: No buts……P' sorry na.

Thawan hugged him once again and saw Thira smiled at them. Thawan pulled back from the hug and walked to Thira.

Thira: It's been a really long time.

Thawan: How are you, nong?

Thira: I am fine P'.

Then only Thawan noticed everyone looking at their emotional breakdown.

Tarrin: We are happy to see you two like this. It's been years.

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