Chapter 38

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After almost a year Petch saw his love and he wanted to hug him and kiss him so badly. Around everyone was happy to see Thawan and here he couldn't express how much pain but happy at the same time when he saw his love’s mere sight.

As usual he looks so cute, soft and the prettiest person. But he can see he looks slender which hurts him so much.

Petch: Then you two brothers should eat first then talk later.

When he touched his hand to make him stand up he felt sparks all over his body like the first time he touched his hand before confessing his love.

Petch went to the food shop and ordered his favorite food and drinks and placed it on the table.

He gave a small smile and sat on the chair next to Tim.

When he was about to leave, Petch wanted to stop him so badly but he told himself Thawan should come and meet him, not the other way.

At night Tim talked about Thawan and he told him that he knows it's Thawan who Petch loves him so much.

Tim knows this is the last night he is going to spend with him so he kissed Petch one last time before falling asleep.

While sleeping Petch dreams about his past memories with Thawan.

They were in London and it was Thawan's birthday and when he was about to cut the birthday cake he wished something, closing his eyes.

Petch: What you wished P'?

Thawan: You know right. We shouldn't tell the wish before it happens.

Petch: I know but I am curious when you look serious while wishing.

Thawan: If it happens next year I will tell you.

Petch: Okay then.

2nd year:

Thawan wished seriously and blew the candles.

Petch: Okay now tell what you wished for last year?

Thawan: I wished you to be with me on my next birthday which is today.

Petch was stunned and smiling with tears before hugging him.

3rd year:

This is the last year Thawan is going to stay in London before going back to Thailand.

Petch: What did you wish for in your last year?

Thawan: I wished you to be with me on my next birthday and all of my birthdays coming.

Thawan said and cut the cake before feeding it to Petch.

Petch: P' why didn't you wish anything other than me to be with you every year? Regardless of your wish I will stay with you P’. I promise.

Thawan: We don't know what will happen after I go to Thailand. My father will ask me to marry Sangwan right away because it's been three years since I said okay for the marriage.

Petch: But P'.......

Thawan: Since childhood, my brother has been my only happiness. After him it's you. My brother will never leave me or we won't face any situation to break apart like that. I know we will be together in any difficult situation. But about us there is always this insecurity and fear that I couldn't be with you next year or any year because of our situation and my father.

Petch: P' I won't let that happen. I will always be with you. No matter what, I will be there with you and fight for you.

Thawan: You can't promise me that nong. Anything can happen.

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