Chapter 4

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Rak: I am your husband's son.


Ruang: What are you saying? I said I only want the truth but you keep on lying. And this is not funny to me.

Rak: P', I am serious. And this is why I was hesitating to tell you all because you won't believe me.

Ruang: I believe in my husband more than anyone. He didn't cheat on me.

Rak: P', I didn't say my Papa cheats on you.

Kob: Then you are being my friend's son, what is that supposed to mean?

Rak: My mom gave birth to me through IVF treatment. And sperm is not from my mother's husband but Thira Srisuwan.

Ruang: What? Does that mean?

Rak: Papa did sperm donation in 2019 and I was born in the year 2020.

Ruang: P’Kob, is that true?

Kob: I met him in the year 2019 so he might have done it in the early 2019. But it's possible he made that donation.

Rak: I wanted to see my biological father atleast once in my life so I traveled from the UK to see him here in Thailand. After Papa didn't want to give career counseling to me I thought about going back to the UK right away but I happened to see the accident and it was my Papa.

This information is too much to take that three of them are looking at Rak and processing it.

Rak: Now I want to see my Papa.

Rak was about to open the door but Ruang stopped him.

Ruang: Wait, what if you are lying to us?

Rak: Then go ask my Papa if he ever did Sperm donation in his life.

Kob: You are right. Let's ask him, Ruang.

Ruang also thought it's the right thing to do so Rak and Ruang went inside the room while Kob and Rung waited outside.

Once they entered inside Thira looked at Rak with a surprised look but mostly happy.

Rak: How are you Pa……Professor?

Thira just nodded a little as fine.

Ruang: He was the one who helped you P’. He admitted you here and gave blood to help you.

Thira was so happy but he couldn't thank him with words but let his tears flow with how much big help he did to him. Thira couldn't imagine leaving Ruang alone.

Thira gestured to him to sit beside him and put his hand on his to thank him.

Ruang: P' I want to ask you something.

Thira looked up to see Ruang who was hesitant to ask. Thira bent all his fingers towards himself to tell him to ask through this gesture.

Ruang was about to ask the question but he couldn't. He is worried sollmething will happen to his body if he is asked any question which he needs to think a lot about or stress over. So he thought to ask after he was able to speak properly.

Ruang: Are you really okay right?

Thira nods his head gently as yes before giving a reassuring smile.

Ruang: Good!!

Ruang went to him and kissed him in his temple which made him shocked because Rak is still sitting there.

Ruang: He knows. I told him.

Thira doesn't know what happened that Ruang himself told about their relationship to someone and that someone is Rak who he doubted.

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