Chapter 8

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"This year's autumn harvest of grain has been a success. If we had followed last year's production and taxes, the folks would still be able to live a good life."

The sun had just set on the ridge in the afternoon, and the Ji family's dinner had been cooked early.

After the sun has cooled down and the wind blows, it feels comfortable. The family gathers under the trees in the yard to eat.

Ji Yangzong and Huang Yisheng drank two glasses of sake and exchanged a few words, starting from collecting medicinal materials today to the autumn harvest.

Taxes have increased in recent years, and people's lives have been tight.

Seeing that the war in the north has stopped this year, I wonder if some taxes can be reduced or reduced.

"No one who has not lived in the prefecture's house knows how this year's property tax will be. Not to mention the property tax of farmers, the business tax is also becoming more and more impressive. The businessmen in the city are worried every day. "

Huang Yisheng sighed. It is difficult for farmers and merchants these days. For this reason, more and more people want to become officials.

Ji Yangzong poured a glass of wine with Huang Yisheng and said, "Fortunately, You Erlang won the election, and he will have the right to be exempted from taxes in the future. Once the marriage between Xiao Taozi and the You family is settled, our family will also benefit from it." "

Speaking of this, Ji Yangzong couldn't hide the joy on his face. Now he has to pay 40% of the imperial property tax, which is almost half of the year's food. Being able to avoid this 40% would make him wake up from his dream.

"He will be my son-in-law by then, and my father-in-law's medical clinic will be able to take care of him."

When Huang Yisheng heard this, he did not follow Ji Yangzong's joy. Instead, he put down his chopsticks and glanced at Ji Taoyu, who was sitting next to Huang Manjing with her head buried in her meal.

He asked Ji Yangzong: "You mean you want to arrange Xiao Taozi's marriage before the superiors come to collect taxes?"

"Although the purpose is somewhat clear, this marriage has been agreed upon a long time ago and will have to happen sooner or later."

"After autumn, I will have more money. It is a time when the village is doing big things, and there is not much to say to the villagers. Besides, the 40% property tax is not a small amount. If the family does not pay the 40% this year, it will be ten more." I have more than a stone of food. If the marriage is done earlier, why not."

Huang Yinsheng breathed out and looked at Ji Taoyu, who was still burying his head in eating: "I know you're listening, tell me what you think?"

Taoyu raised his head, swallowed the meat in his mouth, and saw the three people on the table staring at him.

He blushed slightly and said: "My parents' orders and the matchmaker's words, I listen to my father."

"Since you have no objection, Azu can't say anything. In recent years, there have always been people with bad intentions who have ideas for Xiao Taozi. Fortunately, the marriage was announced early, and Erlang of the You family was successful and got a good name, so he was shaken off. To get rid of those with bad intentions, Xiao Taozi went to a good family earlier, and she had one less thing to worry about."

After saying that, Huang Yinsheng looked at Ji Yangzong and Huang Manjing again: "It's just a point. We can't rush to You's house to urge people to get married, and Xiao Taozi will be talked about when the time comes."

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