Chapter 62

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Taoyu was a little confused in her sleep, feeling like the world was spinning in a trance.

When he reluctantly opened his eyes, his tired eyelids were still trying to cover them. In his sleepiness, he saw Huo Shu holding him up with an anxious look on his face.

"What's wrong? Are there bandits again?"

Taoyu was really tired yesterday, and she was a little sleepy. In her head, she thought that Huo Shu could be so panicked, and she thought it would only be chaos.

Just after he said this, he subconsciously touched his uncomfortable nose, and suddenly something cold and sticky liquid was stuck on his finger.

He raised his hand a little higher in confusion, and the flash of red between his fingers frightened him out of sleep.

"This, am I bleeding!"

Taoyu opened her eyes wide, feeling a little unbelievable.

Huo Shu quickly placed Taoyu on the couch and lit a candle.

"Don't be afraid, I'll go get a doctor for you."

Taoyu pinched her nose, reached for the medical kit, quickly took out some cotton, and blocked her nose first.

He raised his chin slightly, poured some cold tea, and patted the back of his neck gently.

When he raised his eyes again, Huo Shu had already rushed out.

The night was miserable, and the originally noisy inn had now quieted down. The only sound that could be heard was the howling wind outside, which showed that it was already late.

Although Taoyu wanted to stop Huo Shu, he felt that he didn't feel too uncomfortable.

But I didn't dare to move around. My body was not in good condition, but I never had any nosebleeds.

He sat quietly on the couch, feeling a little frightened when he was alone in this room.

I also changed several balls of cotton. The blood in my nose was blocked and some of it flowed into my mouth, leaving my mouth full of the smell of blood.

Fortunately, Huo Shu acted quickly, and within a quarter of an hour, an old doctor arrived.

"Slow down, slow down, that horse is going to knock out the heart, liver, and lungs. Let me take a breath first."

The old doctor was holding the door, panting, his face a little pale, and he looked even weaker than Taoyu.

Huo Shu looked at the cotton soaked in blood, and his brows were so tight that he could pinch a fly to death. His already scary face was now even more frightening.

"Check his pulse first."

The old doctor seemed to be afraid of him and quickly agreed: "Okay, okay."

Huo Shu quickly went to take Tao Yu's arm and rolled up his sleeves.

The old doctor sat in front of the couch and felt Taoyu's pulse.

Taoyu didn't dare to express her anger and quietly waited for the doctor's results.

If he was in Tongzhou and Azu was here, he wouldn't be so nervous.

No matter where there is something wrong with the body, his Azu can prescribe medicine immediately. The worst thing is to just lie down and take the medicine.

But now he is in a foreign country, and he is here to do business. If he is in bad shape, he will only cause trouble.

He turned his head and glanced at Huo Shu beside him.

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