Chapter 87

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After Huo Shu sent a letter to Yuchang Mansion, he started to stock up on food.

The most important things for food are grain and salt.

At the end of last year, he had stocked up to thirty kilograms of rice. This was a lot of food, but he had more than just the Ji family under his command.

Huo Shu has seen too many wars. Once a fight starts, it will not end in three or five days.

It can be as short as ten days and a half month, or as long as three to five years. For example, in the Northern Territory, didn't he also stay on the front line for ten years?

However, if it was just a turmoil in Tongzhou, it would be normal for it to end within three to five months.

But if it involves the border or the court, it's hard to say.

Just in case, he is still preparing to hoard as much food as possible. If the war ends soon and there is too much food on hand, he will have to resell it. At most, he will lower the price of food and lose some money.

Huo Shuyuan planned to hoard another seventy dan to make up the whole. He didn't want to go to the grain store and went to several stores in a row. The price of grain had already risen.

A stone's worth of food could be purchased for more than a thousand coppers a year ago, but now it has increased to fifteen hundred coppers a stone.

The news in the state capital was blocked very skillfully. The common people were ignorant of these things, but the merchants already knew about the price increase.

There was nothing to care about at this time. Huo Shu did not go there himself, but found an errand boy to speak for him.

He asked the grain store for fifty shi of grain in one breath, but he didn't expect the grain store to be displeased when he heard about such a large amount and directly refused to sell it.

It is said that at least five stones can be sold at one time.

Huo Shu had already expected that the grain guild would limit the amount, but he didn't want the limit to be so tight.

So he went to different grain stores in the city and asked people with different identities to buy grain. As a result, the bigger the grain store, the more grain they had, and the small grain shop could sell more than ten shi of grain at a time.

In three or five days, Huo Shudun bought forty shi of grain.

In order to deceive others, the grain had to be packed into horse materials for the riding and shooting range and transported in.

Then he was not idle and started to stock up on salt.

People can't do without grains, especially this stuff. Fortunately, they don't have to eat it all at once. Two ounces of salt can last for more than half a month.

There is a salt store at the entrance of Xinjie. Although it is close, buying it is still troublesome.

Nowadays, the salt industry is sold by both government and merchants, and only a handful of merchants can get salt from the imperial court. They are either rich or noble.

Although the amount of salt sold is not controlled, if you buy too much, you will inevitably be questioned. You are afraid that someone will buy a lot of salt and sell it in a small place.

Huo Shuzi went to buy ten kilograms of salt. The merchants on Xin Street were all familiar with him. They knew that his two shops had many people and it was not surprising that they used a lot of salt.

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