Chapter 64

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"Tian Fu, don't go there, be careful that there is a cliff over there!"

The more they chased the horses, the faster they ran. Seeing the shadow of the escaped horses, the two runaway horses ran straight towards a dark wild forest, startling the forest birds.

Ge Liang quickly called out to the man who had dismounted and wanted to grab the reins. Huo Shu heard the sound and rushed there.

"Brother Huo."

"The road in the wild forest is unfamiliar and there are hidden pits. Don't chase too hastily. Your own safety is important."

Huo Shu confessed and led his horse into the forest.

He patted the big black horse on the head and told him to follow him in search of the scent and sounds of the same kind.

The trees in the forest are straight and tall. If it is autumn, the leaves will fall and make a loud sound if stepped on.

It's early summer now, when the trees are in full bloom. There are new grasses in the forest. The sound of horses trampling on the ground is not loud, so it's not easy to find.

In the midst of the shadows, a shadow suddenly flashed past, and immediately the sound of a horse's snort came out.

The three people who heard the noise quickly followed the sound and followed it. Under the moonlight, they saw two tall and thin figures already jumping up and riding on the two horses that escaped.

The horse was grabbed by the reins and restrained. He shook his head a few times in a temper, but the person on his back was not thrown off. On the contrary, it was tightened. After being scolded, it became docile again.

However, three or four tall figures appeared one after another in the bushes in the forest.

Tian Fu looked at the figure who had been ambushing here for some time, and his heart was beating fast. He didn't know what the purpose of this group of people was, and he didn't dare to express his anger.

Ge Liang kept a close eye on this group of people who had no idea of their origin and appeared sneakily near the racecourse. They were probably horse thieves.

He pulled out his bow and pulled out an arrow from behind his back. He asked Tian Fu to hide behind him and said in a cold voice: "That horse is ours. If you find it interesting, you can put it down and leave on your own."

The person on the other side did not respond, but instead pulled the horse towards the direction of the three of them.

Upon seeing this, Ge Liang immediately tightened his string and wanted to release the arrow to scare a few people, but unexpectedly, one hand grabbed his arrow one step ahead of him.

"Brother Huo?"

Ge Liang looked at Huo Shu who was sitting on the horse in surprise.

Just as he was wondering about his abnormal behavior, a sad cry broke the silence in the forest.

"elder brother......"

"How come you haven't come back after all this time?"

"Is there something wrong? Otherwise, let me go take a look!"

People in the camp were waiting around for no one. Seeing that the sky was getting darker and darker, everyone couldn't help but feel anxious.

Just as a few people were discussing riding donkeys to have a look, Tian Fu's voice came from far away from the wilderness: "We are back!"

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