Chapter 32

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It dawns late in winter, and in the cold wind covered with gray and frost, there are oil candles burning.

Early in the morning, the village was busy loading grain trucks to the main village road. When the sky got a little brighter, seven or eight grain trucks were already parked on the village road.

The amount of grain handed over by the village this time amounted to one or two hundred dan. When all the grain that needed to be delivered was packed, the men in the village were sweating.

In previous years, four or five people would deliver ten grains to the city, but this year the number of people has more than tripled.

Every household in the village is aware of the rumors outside. If food is lost, it is not just the person who is responsible, but the farmers will also suffer.

When Ji Yangzong called for help, everyone in Zhuangli came to escort the food.

People who delivered food on the main road and came to help gathered a lot of people. They talked to each other and were very lively in the cold winter morning.

"That's almost it, let's hit the road!"

After Ji Yangzong checked that the grain vehicles were correct, he shouted, walked around from the rear of the convoy and got on the leading cart, letting him lead the way.

The men in the village also got on the car one after another at Ji Yangzong's order, and the team began to move forward slowly. Huo Shu got on his horse.

He walked at the end of the line.

The old, weak, women and children in the village braved the cold winter and watched the grain trucks go away on the village road.

Nearly half of the food that we have been working on for a year is here, so we don't dare to make any mistakes.

When Taoyu hurriedly ran against the wind, she was still a step too late. The convoy had already gone far, and she could only see the stiff back escorting the grain team forward.

The big black horse swung its tail and cut an arc in the morning mist. Although the bandit chaos outside made people uneasy, the presence of Huo Shu this year made people feel more at ease for no reason.

Taoyu looked at the retreating figure, rubbed his cold hands, sighed softly, and immediately turned into white mist.

He looked helplessly at the motorcade disappearing from sight. Fortunately, he gritted his teeth and climbed out of bed before dawn.

It was also because he slept late last night. There was wind and dogs barking outside, which made him feel upset and unable to sleep.

After the grain truck team left the village, the road became noisy and lively again.

"The food was delivered late this year. It's cold today. I have to go pick up some firewood before it rains. It's impossible to stop the fire in the twelfth lunar month of winter."

The woman folded her hands and chatted.

"Hey, what about the You family?"

"Who knows, I won't see anyone all day long. But that shrew still doesn't believe in evil and goes to see the doctor every day, and everyone walks away shaking their heads."

"Why don't you ask Dr. Huang to take a look at him? Maybe he can still be cured."

"Their family has lost their conscience, but they still have the nerve to beg Dr. Huang."

"No matter how bad things are, he is still a master of civil affairs, and his life will still be good. Not to mention his family, his good life will be unlucky."

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