Chapter 42

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Huo Shu came up with an idea and told Tao Yu about the plan when he got back. If it was feasible, he would make preparations. If Tao Yu didn't respond, he would have nipped it in the first place.

"Do you mean to do business?"

Taoyu was a little surprised after hearing what Huo Shu said.

After all, in his perception, Huo Shu was short-spoken and unsophisticated, so it was hard to imagine that he would even mention the idea of doing business.


Tongzhou was prosperous, and merchants gathered in large numbers. There were big merchants running caravans, and salesmen carrying goods down to the county.

In the countryside, people who make a living by reselling goods can find several people in one village who have done this business. It is not an uncommon and unpopular business.

It's just that there are many people doing it, and the competition is huge. There are many people who want to do it, but they haven't figured out how to do it, and there are also many people who lose money.

Leaving aside the matter of making and losing money, since Huo Shu brought it up, he still talked to Huo Shu seriously based on his knowledge:

"According to what you said, the difference between the north and the south is indeed arguable. But if the destination is the Northern Territory, which spans a vast area, you cannot travel alone like a salesman. It does not mean that you need to form a large caravan, but No matter what, we have to have No. 10 people to take care of each other."

"Manpower is one thing, and secondly, if you want to resell cloth, even if the price of cloth in the same state is lower than elsewhere, and there are many styles, but the material is good and the style is good, the cost will be high no matter how low the price is. Since you are traveling far away, the goods cannot be too small. The more goods there are, the higher the cost, so you need to have circulating funds on hand."

Taoyu said: "These two items are a big deal. If you don't have them, there is no need to worry about the others."

Huo Shu looked at Taoyu, then turned around and opened the box placed in the corner.

When he came to Ji's house, he brought a baggage with him. Taoyu looked at the dusty baggage piled on the cabinet and found it pitiful, so she freed up one of her own boxes for Huo Shu to put his things in.

He also promised not to look through his box without permission, so he could just put his things in without worry.

Huo Shu opened the box and took out a dagger from under two shabby clothes. From the bottom he took out a package wrapped in linen.

He brought it to the table and pushed it to Tao Yu: "I wonder how long it will take for these to be turned around?"

Seeing the heavy bag, Taoyu narrowed her eyes and glanced at Huo Shu, then quickly opened the bag.

This time Tao Yu's expression was much more shocked than the last time she opened Huo Shu's wallet.

In his hand was a square gold bar that looked like a whetstone, and he was dumbfounded.

The Ji family's financial situation is not bad, and Azu's medical clinic business is also good, but this is the first time he has seen so much money!

He was not afraid of jokes. All the money he used at home was silver. When he went back to the city and collected Huo Shu's purse, it was the first time he used gold.

He said that Huo Shu was so generous before and gave away the purse as he was told. It turned out that there was still a lot of money left.

"There must be twenty taels in this piece, and it's still gold bars. One tael is worth ten taels of silver!"

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