Chapter 23

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"It's a blessing that you came to help, otherwise my fish pond would not have been cleaned up so quickly. I always heard your father say that you have been asked to take care of all the fish ponds in the village. Today I have seen what you are capable of."

"The two villages are not far apart. If Ji Lizheng feels that I have taken care of the fish pond, just call me if there is anything wrong with the pond in the future."

"Hey, okay, you are really capable."

Ji Yangzong carried a hoe and talked harmoniously with the young man beside him with a smile on his face.

"Come into the yard and sit down for a while."

The two of them had just entered the yard, and Huang Manjing, who was feeding chickens and ducks, greeted them.

Ji Yangzong put down his hoe and asked, "Is Little Taozi back?"

Huang Manjing glanced at the young man standing next to her husband. He was dark and strong, with fair facial features, and he seemed to be loyal and honest.

She had heard from her husband earlier that the second son of the main family in Zhouli, the village next door, had not yet spoken to each other at that age, and she knew that their family's original marriage plan had something to do with it.

I didn't expect someone to come to my door so quickly. He probably wanted to meet me while doing some errands, which is normal.

However, she still glared at Ji Yangzong with a bit of unhappiness. It had only been a few days since she broke off the engagement. Although she was free to marry another person, Xiao Taozi had been waiting for so many days, and finally she was willing to go out today.

The father turned out to be Baba, so he hurriedly found a new bride, not afraid that Xiao Taozi would be unhappy.

Naturally, everyone came and looked good. Huang Manjing did not shame Ji Yangzong in front of others. She greeted Zhou Zheng warmly and said, "I went to the city and haven't come back yet. I don't know about this brother." I can't go back today, maybe I'll rest at Azu's place in his city."

Zhou Zheng responded a little sheepishly when he heard this: "It's okay, I just heard from my father that Ji Li was going to build a fish pond, so I came here to help."

Having said that, he was still a little disappointed. Originally, he had no contact with the Ji family, but his father was also upright, and the two elders occasionally interacted with each other.

If he hadn't come here to meet the Ji family brother, he wouldn't have come over to help others with half a day's work. The work was done, but it was a waste if the person didn't see it.

If you don't see anyone this morning, you will have to go back and forth next time. You can't rush into a marriage without even seeing each other.

Although this situation exists, in recent years, people who are of similar age when they first marry are not interested in blind marriage. It is necessary for the two young people to meet first to see if they are compatible.

As soon as I finished speaking, a call came from outside the yard: "Dad, Mom, I'm back!"

"Yeah, I'm back!"

Ji Yangzong smiled when he heard this and went out to pick up someone first, but was startled when he arrived at the door.


Before Ji Yangzong finished speaking, he heard his brother say aggrievedly: "I came back on a cart, but the cart got stuck in a ditch, and my hands and legs were knocked down."

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