Chapter 1

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I sat in the meeting as Miles continued his rant on why we should sell our port. I couldn't focus my mind was all over the place. I stood up to get a drink and took a sip. I stared out the window.

"Giovanni what do you think?" Miles asked

"Get rid of the port. I don't need a port where I'm not making money. Cameron has more men over there. See if he'll want it before you open it for purchase." I said downing my drink "Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to get ready for this party"

I couldn't help the feeling of dread that came over me. I didn't want to go but I had to. It meant the world to her. It was Amelia's first birthday party. I missed Lucien's birthday at the time simply because I physically couldn't bare going, but I knew I had to make it to one.

I showered and got dressed in some black jeans and a black shirt with my leather jacket on. I fixed my hair and stared into the mirror. It's been three years since i've seen her. I had to rip the bandaid off. The one I placed on my heart years ago when she married him.

I went downstairs.
"Sir will you be driving today?" Jameson, my driver asked

"No i'll ride my motorcycle" I said and he nods handing me the keys.

"Are you okay sir?" he asked and I looked at him

"As good as I'm going to be today." I said nodding and walking out the door. I got on my motorcycle putting my helmet on and driving off.

I made it to the lake house. It was beautiful and seemed peaceful. It was strange to see a man like Christian settle down here. I took my helmet off and listened to hear kids laughing. I knocked on the door and Mario opened the door.

"Mr. Romano. The party is out back" he said pointing to the back doors

I nodded walking in and taking in the scent of baked goods. It smelled amazing. I passed by the kitchen and there she was with her apron on looking as beautiful as ever. She turned around and looked shocked.

"Giovanni" She smiled

"Lauren" I said and she hugged me tightly. I remember the days I used to crave these hugs. "You look beautiful as always"

"Thank you. I'm glad you made it." She said

"Mommy Mommy Mommy. Daddy told me to ask you if we could have cake" The kid ran into the kitchen yelling

I smiled softly. He looked just like her.
"Lucian this is mommy's friend, Giovanni." She said and Lucian looked at me

"Nice to meet you" He said coming up to me and sticking his hand out for a handshake. I smirked.

"Nice to meet you too little man." I said "I would like some cake too."

"See mommy! Can we have cake now??" He asked and Lauren shook her head at me taking the oven mitts off and sticking her hand out

Lucian grabbed her hand and she looked at me.
"Come on" She said and like a puppy I followed her

Motherhood was no stranger to Lauren. She was a natural. We went into the backyard and it was beautiful and overlooking a lake. Kim, Mel and Lily were all here, a couple of guys were here as well, and Christian.

He came over to me and I nodded at him.
"A dad huh?" I asked and he nodded

"Yea who would've thought." He said and I laughed

"Hey you made it out. Not many can say that for themselves." I said ignoring the fact that I was apart of the many

Soon Lauren came over to us with the baby in her hand. She was adorable. She looked so happy and healthy just like her mother.

Mafia Men II: RomanoWhere stories live. Discover now