Chapter 7

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I stared at her across the table. I didn't want her to know at least not yet about my job and what I did. For once I wanted to be normal. I didn't want to lie to her though. I'm pretty known in this area so someone had to tell her unless she wouldn't be asking.

"I work for the Italian mafia" I said "I'm a sector leader."

She looked shocked but approving that I told the truth. She knew. Angela was as smart as she was observant . That's why I liked her.

"I didn't think you'd tell me." She said "I'm glad you did."

She looked like she had another question and I knew exactly what the question was from her expression.

"Yes I have. It's apart of the job." I said feeling worried. I was worried that she wouldn't accept me. I was a killer. I never tried to hide that fact but something in me wanted to tell her everything. I wasn't the good guy and she needed to know that.

She stood silently. "I wont lie to you. That bothers me." She said "That you're capable of something like that. What if one day I-"

I completely cut her off because I knew where this was headed. "Angel, I would never hurt you. Ever. I wouldn't even imagine harming you." I said to her grabbing her hand across the table

She looked me in my eyes studying me. Someone knocked on the door and I said "Come in".

The waiter walked in with the food and she let go of my hand.

"Thank you" she said to him and I watched her pick at her food

We sat in silence as we ate.
"Why do you do it?" She asked

"Because I have to." I said

"You don't need to kill people."she said

"Lives would have been in danger had I not love. I never said I was the good guy. I'm not. I'm far from it. It's my job. It's a family business. None of us choose this life. It's chosen for us." I said

She stared at her food.
"Say something Angel. Your silence is killing me" I said

"I don't know what to say Gio. I don't like what I'm hearing, but I can't help what I feel for you. I need time to think this through." She said and I felt an all too familiar pain

I nodded. "Yea I understand." I said and she stood up

"Wait. At least finish your food or take it with you." I said standing

"Gio-"She started

"It's not up for discussion Angel." I said and I called in the waiter asking him to wrap up her food. He brought the box out and I walked her out the restaurant to Jameson. I opened the door for her and she looked at me kissing me on the cheek. I held her hand tightly as she got into the car. I leaned down kissing her hand and she looked into my eyes staring at me.

"Bye Gio" She said

"Bye Angel." I said letting go and closing the door. I tapped the top of the car and Jameson drove off. I stood there watching the car and felt the pain that I avoided for so long. It was unbearable.


I made it back home and set my keys down. I stumbled inside the house.

"Drunk?" Miles asked standing in my library

I looked at him and sighed.
"Why are you here?" I asked putting the dinner down that I could even eat

"I had some papers for you to sign. I left them on your desk." He said pouring himself a drink and I took the drink from him sipping on it

He poured himself one. I sat on the chair unloosing my tie.

"Want to talk about it?" He asked and I shook my head no. That was the last thing I wanted to do.

"I've seen that look before in your eyes. It took you to a dark place Giovanni."He said to me

"Ive always been in a dark place." I said with my jaw clenched downing the rest of my drink "She hates what I do. I can't blame her. That's the thing Miles. I didn't push her away. All of this did it. And I can't be mad. I can't scream. I can't break anything. I did this. This is my life. I was stupid to believe that she could fall for a killer. I'm a monster. This business is my own personal hell that I cannot escape. Look at Christian and Lau...He got lucky. He found her and he got out. This was my personal hell and I have to live through it. That's the only way. If i'm living it, I might as well make it worthwhile."

I poured myself another drink and downed it. I stood up stumbling once again.

"She may come around man. You never know." He said

"If she was smart, she'd stay far the hell away from me. I'd only drag her down." I said going upstairs to my room

I took off my suit and looked at myself in the mirror. I laughed at the irony of yet again losing the girl. I laughed harder at me even attempting to open up when this was my life. It wasn't funny. My fist connected with the mirror and it shattered falling at my feet and I laughed falling to the ground. I leaned against my bed running my hands through my hair. I looked at my hands as the blood ran down my hand onto the carpet. I cursed standing up and going into the bathroom to the blood off my hands. The water washed the blood away leaving a tint of red in the water and I just watched it. I was the villain in this case. It was written in the books. I was no exception. The villain doesn't get the happy ending. Christian was the exception and I envied it.

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