Chapter 11

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I covered her eyes walking her to the backyard.

"Gio where are we going?" She asked

"We're almost there Angel." I said and she laughed. Music to my ears. I stopped her in her steps and uncovered her eyes. She opened her eyes and looked shocked.

"Giovanni Romano. You set up a picnic for us?" she asked looking at me smiling

I shrugged. "I thought it would be fun. It's a beautiful day out and-"

I was cut off by her kissing me on the lips deeply. I moaned against her lips.

"It's perfect." She said grabbing my hand and pulling me down onto the blanket

I smiled at her. She covered her eyes from the sun. Her beautiful skin glowed in the sun like a goddess. I handed her my shades and she smiled putting them on.

I pulled out the champagne out of the ice bucket and poured her a glass. She thanked me taking the glass. We just sat in silence. It was comfortable.

"Tell me more about you" She said "Who are you without this world...the business?"

It was a deep question. One i've never been asked nor thought about.

"That's a hard question." I said leaning against the tree next to us and she put her glass down. She laid her head in my lap staring up at me.

"Think about it. We have time." She said looking at the sky and I stared at her. She was beautiful inside and out. How did I of all people get so lucky?

I actually thought about her question.
"I like to think i'm a simple man without all of this, without all the grandeur. I like reading. I've always loved books. It was a sort of escape for me. An escape from my own hell." I said and she looked at me

"What else do you like?" She asked

"I like nature being outside. The smell of fresh air. The smell of rain. I like cars fast ones. I like motorcycles. I like food. I love food. I like-" I stopped myself noticing I was rambling "I'm rambling"

"No I like hearing you talk." She said.

I placed my hand on hers which rested on her stomach.

"I tend to not say much, but with you, it's different." I said

She interlocked our fingers sighing.
"Life has a funny way of bringing people together huh." She said

"It does." I said "What do you like?"

"I like reading too. Definitely food. I like nature but not bugs. I'm terrified of them. I like thunderstorms. I like when the sun comes up after them. I like the smell of the grass after it's been cut. I like the stars, the moon, and the sun. I like laying in bed all day even though my brain won't let me rest. I like conversations like these not small talk that is just a filler for silence. I like silence. So much is said but not said-" She stopped when my fingers brushed her lips. I couldn't help myself. I couldn't control myself. I had to kiss her, which I did.

She sat up a bit in my reach holding onto the back of my neck. I pulled away.

"I forgot one." I said and she looked at me flustered from the kiss "You. I like you."

She smiled kissing me again. She pulled away and stood up. I stared at her. She reached out for me to grab her hand and I did standing up towering over her as usual.

"I like you too" She said holding my hand. "Close your eyes"

I hesitated but then closed my eyes.
"Do you trust me?" She asked as I heard her take steps so she was standing behind me

"With everything in me." I said and I felt her wrap her arms around me laying her head on my back. I felt her breathing.

"Do you feel that?" She asked and I just stood there confused until I felt it. Call me whatever you want but our heart beats were in sync. I never felt anything of the sort ever. Not even with Lauren.

We stood like that in silence and soon she let me go coming in front of me.

"Open" She said and I did looking at her in her eyes. "It was no coincidence that we met. The stars aligned and we crossed paths. It's so beautiful how something like that could change your life-"

"Forever" I finished for her

She smiled and I did too.
"You're smiling again." She said

"Can't seem to contain it around you." I said pulling her into me

"Me neither."She said and I kissed her again. Then I kissed down her neck and she moaned.

"Giovanni!" I heard someone yell from in the house and I groaned. I was sure it was Miles. "Giovanni"

He came out to the backyard and saw us. I kissed her head and walked over to him.

"What?" I asked annoyed

"Cameron is here for the meeting. Brought some girls with him, Jackie and Scarlet." Miles said and I sighed completely annoyed.

"Okay" I said going over to Angel.

"I have a meeting. It'll be 30 minutes tops and then I'm all yours for the day." I said to her

"I should get going in about an hour or so. I have to check on my dad." She said and I nodded

"Right. I'll take you there. Don't leave" I said to her and she nodded

I kissed her forehead and walked off. I looked at the doorway and saw Scarlet standing there watching us with her arms crossed.

"Lady of the night?" She asked

"Watch your mouth" I said to her and she followed me towards the office.

"You never used to have a problem with my mouth Giovanni." She said and I looked at her shaking my head

"Not interested" I said and saw Cameron pouring himself a drink.

"Scarlet have some decorum can't you see the man's in love." Cameron said and I looked at him

"We're not talking about this right now. I'm not in love" I said "I'm having fun"

I completely lied through my teeth. I didn't need them knowing what Angel meant to me. It wouldn't be a good move. She was my weakness. I'd lose it if anything happened to her.

"Your eyes don't say fun brother." Cameron said

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