Chapter 3

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We sat at the bar and I looked at her.
"What do you want to drink?" I asked

"A champagne is good for me" She said and I looked at her "okay give me something with tequila in it."

I laughed and she smiled at me. "What?" I asked

"You seem like you don't do that a lot" she said and I was taken aback. "It suits you."

"I haven't had a lot to laugh about lately." I said honestly and I didn't know why I was being honest with her. It was just easy.

"Giovanni Complicated Romano" She said taking a sip of her drink. I leaned over and grabbed her stool pulling her closer to me. She stared at me putting her drink down. I looked at her.

"What are your complications?" I asked her looking at her full lips. Everything in me wanted to lean in to taste them just once. I looked back at her eyes and she bit her bottom lip.

"I'm a caterer who can't get a steady job. I have bills to pay that are due and my father is terminally ill. I'm taking care of him." She said honestly and I looked at her

"I'm so sorry to hear that." I said looking at her and she looked at her hands

"It's life Giovanni. I survive." She said and I grabbed her hand

"Let me help you." I said and she shook her head instantly

"No you've done enough. Please I don't want to be a charity case." She said

"Never. Hey, never" I said making her look at me putting my hand on her cheek "I'll never look at you like that. I want to help."

"I'm okay, Gio really" She said and it struck a nerve. She used to call me that all the time. I loved hearing it from Angels lips though.

I nodded. "Okay. If you ever-" I started

"I know" She said

I took a sip of my drink and she looked around.

"People are staring. I should go. I'm so underdressed it's almost illegal." She said and I looked at her. She wore black pants and a white blouse with black heels. She looked sexy in anything she wore.

I blocked her from standing.
"One dinner tomorrow night." I said and she looked at me laughing

"I told you all my complications and you still are interested?" She asked

I nodded. "Maybe even more now." I said shrugging and she nodded.

"Fine. One" She said smiling softly

"Give me your phone" I stuck my hand out taking her phone and put my number in and called me from her phone. I stuck my hand out helping her off the stool and she looked at me. I moved a piece of hair out of her face.

"You're gorgeous" I said and she smiled

"How many ladies have you used that one on tonight?" She asked and I could see a hint of amusement but seriousness

"Just one and I hope it landed." I said and she nodded

"It did. Good night Giovanni" She said walking off and I watched her walk away.

"Goodnight Angel" I said

Soon I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked and it was Scarlet.

"Okay you win. Was this some sort of foreplay. You flirt with the help in front of me to make me jealous? Well, it worked." She said coming closer to me and I removed her hands

"She's not the help. Watch your mouth." I said and Scarlet rolled her eyes and I walked off to join my meeting.


The next night was our date. I waited for her text and she never got back to me. She called me and I picked up.

"I'm so sorry Gio. I came home from a catering gig and I fell asleep and I'm just now waking up. I-"She started

"Angel, it's okay. Send me your address" I said getting my wallet and keys.

"Okay" she said and I heard my phone ding.

After driving there, I made it to an apartment building. I went upstairs to where she told me. I knocked on the door and she opened it wearing some sweatpants and a t-shirt. Her hair was in a bun and she looked delicious.

She looked at me and gestured for me to come in. I pulled out a bouquet of flowers from behind my back and handed them to her. She smiled.

"I'm so sorry" She said

"Hey, seeing you at all is a privilege" I said and she smiled hugging me tightly. I was shocked at this but wrapped my arms around her.

"I had such a long day and I needed that." She said pulling away and when she did, I missed her warmth. She pulled me by my hand to the couch and we sat down.

"You okay?"I asked her making her look at me

She tried to look away and I followed her eyes.
"It's just my dad. He's getting bad. He barely remembers me anymore. It's just getting to me. I know he doesn't have too long left but I hate seeing him like that" She said and the tears ran down her face. I was the most devastating thing. "God this is so bad. I miss our date, now I'm crying in front of you"

"Who said it was a date?" I joked and she hit me lightly on my arm. I laughed and was happy when I saw her crack a little smile.

"Angel, this is the most perfect first date." I said to her leaning back on the couch and she looked at me

"You're not supposed to see my pjs at least until date 4." She said

"Oh you were going to make me wait that long?" I asked and she hit me with a pillow and I caught it.
I grabbed her hand pulling her onto my lap. She straddled my waist and I made her look at me. I felt myself getting so excited. I leaned up towards her and she pulled away breathing heavily.

"I'm a virgin."She said with her eyes closed and I looked at her surprised

"You've never been fucked?" I asked her and she opened her eyes looking at me. She shook her head no and I felt myself growing under her. I picked her up off me and set her next to me.

"I'm guessing that's a dealbreaker" She looked embarrassed and stood up. I quickly grabbed her hand.

"God no. No baby it's not. I'm just trying to calm myself down first." I said and my jaw clenched.

All I wanted then was to take her on that couch as she rode me. I wanted to hear her scream my name knowing that mine would be the only name she'd ever scream. Because once she was mine there was no letting go.

"You sure?" She asked

"We can take things as slow as you want darling. I'm in no rush." I said to her and she smiled grabbing a bottle of wine

"Want to watch a movie?" She asked and I nodded fixing my pants. Boy was it going to be a long night.

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