Chapter 36

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We walked across the cemetery. It was awkward between us since earlier with Angela.

"I'm sorry about earlier and what you heard" I said and he shook his head

"Don't worry. Next time I will call." He said and I saw him looking at the ground

"Are you two trying for kids?" He asked and I looked at him

"I want to. She wants to wait until after the wedding. She doesn't want to be pregnant at the wedding. I don't care either way she will be my wife." I said

"Your mother actually told me she was pregnant with you on our wedding night. She was afraid of how I'd react if I didn't want a kid" He said

"Did you want a kid?" I asked

"Of course I wanted you Giovanni. God when you ask those questions, I feel so shitty that you even have to ask them. You and your mother meant..mean the world to me. I didn't know what I wanted until she told me. I was so happy to hear about you. I knew it was what I wanted. I didn't have plans to leave the business but in that moment I wanted to. I had you and your mothers safety to worry about-"

"Then what took you so long to leave?" I asked. I was sure that this question haunted him too but here I was standing here asking for answers.

"All my life up until my father's death he prepared me for that position. I had to do things that I wasn't proud of for him to trust me. Things that still haunt me to this day. I never wanted anything more than for him to be proud of me. When I finally got the position, the power the confidence, it felt amazing to me. I did terrible things I know. But then I met your mother. A very frustratingly beautiful woman who wouldn't let me live my life. She saw good in me when I was far gone. She brought me back to life. I fell in love with her even in her bad moments. She tried to push me away but it only brought me closer to her. I proposed to her. On our wedding night she told me she was having you and I was so happy. I knew that I had a family to take care of, but I was scared. She wanted me to leave the business and I told her I would, but I got scared of my purpose. I didn't know who I was without it. Never took the time to observe my own life, the things I want, what I would do after this. It scared me so I dragged my feet. You were young and she took you to the park and one of my enemies saw you two and tried to attack her. She just got away and it scared her so badly. I was so upset that I almost lost you two. She begged me to leave that day and I couldn't think or see straight until I knew that the man that tried to take you guys away from me was dead. She fought me and we argued. The last..last thing I said to her was I will do anything to protect you guys. She begged me not to leave that night. I found the guy and put a bullet between his eyes. My men told me she tried to leave with you but they stopped her. I was so angry with her that I told them to make sure she doesn't leave the house and I..I came home ready to yell at her and tell her how much it broke me to hear that she leave me like this. Ready to tell her how much you guys mean to me and how I was ready to pack up and leave with you two that night and..she..she..was gone. She had tucked you into bed that night." He said and I saw him fighting his tears. His jaw was clenched.

We stared at my mother's grave and it hit me. It all began to feel real to me. I wiped the tear that escaped my eyes.

I opened my mouth and said something I didn't expect to say"It's not your fault" I said and I meant it

He looked up at me and closed his eyes and his tears began to fall. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"I don't blame you." I said and he pulled me into him and hugged me tightly

I was shocked at this but relaxed. I don't remember the last time we've hugged like this, but it made me feel warm. I felt good, happy even. I patted his back and we pulled apart.

"I'm sorry for all I put you through. My sorry won't make up for any of it, but I plan on spending the rest of my life trying son." He said "I love you"

I nodded and my jaw clenched as I fought the tears and looked at my shoes. "I love you too Dad"


We made it back in the house and I heard screaming coming from the backyard. I ran back there and it was Angel and Miles arguing.

"What's going on?!" I yelled angrily coming up to them sitting in the grass and sighing when I see them playing Uno the card game.

"Miles is cheating" Angel said

Miles rolled his eyes. "You can't stack a plus four on a plus two. She's lying"

"Watch your mouth. Shouldn't you be...I don't know maybe in meetings to take over my seat." I said to him and he sighed

"He's such a party pooper. You sure you're sure about this guy?" Miles asked Angela "Remember I told you I've got a grea co-"

"Finish that sentence and you die" I said to him pissed

She laughed. I didn't.

"Cook. I've got a great cook at my house." Miles said then mumbled "Naughty mind"

"Come sit" She said patting the ground next to her

"My suit and grass don't mix Angel." I said and she looked up at me with those eyes

"Please" she said and I groaned sitting next to her pulling her into me as I leaned against the tree

Miles just smirked at me.
"What?" I asked irritated

"You're whipped man." He said "Like full blown whipped. It's kinda cute."

"Leave" I said

"On it" Miles said getting up and hurrying off and Angel laid her head in my lap. I smiled at the sight. We were in the same spot that I fell in love with her. I never knew it would be possible to love someone even more but it was and I loved every moment of it.

"How are you feeling?" She asked caressing my cheek and I know she was talking about our visit to my mother's grave.

"I feel good." I said surprisingly "It brought us closer. I know it. I'm glad I went. He told me he loves me and we hugged."

She sat up out my lap and smiled so hard. I saw tears in her eyes. I loved her heart. I never thought I'd have someone that would root for me. She cared so deeply for me and exuded such an overwhelming amount of joy for me in that moment. I knew she loved me as much as I did her.

"I'm so happy to hear that. You deserve it. You deserve having that kind of love in your life. You deserve the world Giovanni Romano."

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