Chapter 33

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Angela POV

I waited at the bar sipping my drink and a guy came up to me.

"My my aren't you beautiful" He said coming up to me.  "Let me buy you a drink sweetheart"

"No thanks I have one." I said wishing Giovanni would hurry back

"Come on. One drink" The guy got closer and put his hand on mine that rested on the bar

I moved my hand and looked at him.
"Again not interested" I said

"How much is Romano paying you for the night?" He asked and I was pissed

Soon Gio's father came in between us and towered over the guy.

"Apologize to her now" He said and the guys face lost color

"Oh my gosh Dominic Romano. I had no idea you were in town. I didn't know you had her booked already, my bad." The guy said and I felt hurt

Dominic grabbed him by the collar and pushed the guy into the wall.

"Shes not an escort. Say it again. I dare you." he yelled to him

The room stilled and everyone looked at us. Never have I been more embarrassed in my life.

"I'm so sorry. I had no idea" The guy stammered and looked at me with tears in his eyes "I'm so sorry"

I nodded and he let the guy go. "Leave" he yelled and the guy ran off.

People were still staring and I ran out the door. It was humiliating. Soon I heard him call my name. The tears ran down my face and I felt him grab my arm. It was Dominic. I pulled away from him.

"What's wrong?" he asked

"Where do I start?" I said and he stared into my eyes "I don't belong here. You were right. The women hate me. The men think I'm some sort of hooker or gold digger. Everyone stares. I love Giovanni but I can't do this life. I'm not cut out for the fancy dresses and foods and shoes. I feel like Cinderella at the end of the night. I don't belong here. I don't fit in. I want to be what he wants me to be but I'm afraid I don't know how. You were right. I'm not enough."

"I was so wrong. You are more than enough. Just more than here more than this. This world this business has nothing on you. You don't want to fit in. I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry." He came up to me and wiped my tears with his thumbs

He stared into my eyes and I did the same looking for what Giovanni was concerned about, but I didn't see it. He didn't look at me with lust. I couldn't tell the emotion but lust wasn't it.

"You can't look at me like that." I said lowly and his breathing slowed

He nodded. "I know" he said pulling away from me "The last thing I want to do is hurt Giovanni. But, I don't know why I feel connected to you. I can't shake it. I'm trying I am."

I looked at him crossing my arms.
"If you want a relationship with your son, you will." I said and he nodded

"Say you don't feel anything." He said and I looked at him

"Domin-" I started

"Tell me you don't feel anything." He said getting closer to me

"I can't okay. I can't. I don't know what I feel . I do know that I love Giovanni and this would break him. I cannot allow myself to even think of this because it will kill him and killing him will kill me. I love him Dominic and i'm sure you do too. Even thinking like this and talking about it is bad." I said moving away from him

I sighed. "I have to go. Giovanni might be back" I said walking past him but he grabbed my arm pulling
me into him. His face was inches from mine. My heart began to race and my eyes widened.

"I know you feel it cause I can" He said and his eyes flickered to my lips. "It's too sweet, but I can't help but want to taste it."

His hand trailed slowly down my spine and I shivered. Why was my body reacting this way?

"I heard Giovanni was the only man you've ever been with. That true?" he asked

I nodded because I currently couldn't form words.
"How lucky is he" He said "to feel you inside and out. I envy him."

I pulled away from him. I couldn't say anything so I walked off and away. I went into the bathroom and cried. I felt so guilty. How could I just sit there and let him touch me like that? I couldn't tell Giovanni because he'd be devastated. I didn't want to ruin his relationship with his father. I just don't know what I'm doing. Why did I feel like that? Giovanni is the only man that I want. It's fact but why did that moment with Dominic feel so intense so raw. I hated myself for even thinking of him. I came out the bathroom after clearing my tears. Giovanni was at the ballroom entrance pacing. He saw me and came up to me pulling me into his arms.

"Where were you? I was looking all over for you." he said and I cried in his shoulder "What's wrong Angel?"

He made me look at him and his eyes got dark.
"Who hurt you?" he asked angrily

"Gio please I just want to go home." I said

"With which Romano." I heard and my body nearly gave out. Scarlet came over to us smirking handing Giovanni her phone. He let me go watching the video of me running out the ballroom and into the hallway. Dominic pulling me closer, the whole conversation up to me running into the bathroom. What I didn't see was Dominic standing outside the bathroom door with his forehead on the door then walking off.

She smirked at me the whole time. Giovanni looked at me with a hurt expression and I felt so ashamed. Then his eyes darted to the door. In came Dominic at the worst possible time with a pack of cigarettes in his hand. Giovanni's body tensed and I grabbed his arm.
"Gio-" I started but he pull away striding towards his father and punching him in the face. I screamed. Everyone watched and soon I saw Miles rush over to me and pulls me away from the crowd.

"You okay?" he asked and I nodded

"Stay here" He said going over to them and pulling Giovanni off Dominic

"Fucking both huh?" Scarlet said standing next to me

"I'm not." I said glaring at her "You have no idea what you just did. What you just ruined. I hope you're entertained for tonight because at the end of the day you'll never know what being loved by someone feels like."

Her jaw clenched and she walked off. Miles pulled them apart.

"You're dead to me" Giovanni yelled at Dominic and I cried all over again

Giovanni came over to me with his knuckles bleeding and pulled me out of the gala. He called our ride and we got in the car. Nothing but silence but I could feel the anger radiating off of him. But he didn't say a word to me.

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