Chapter 18

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Angela POV

Christian stood up to say something to Giovanni and his fist connected with Christian's face. I screamed. They were about to fight and I stepped in between them.

"Christian enough! He's drunk" Lauren said coming into the room scowling at both of them

Christian smirked and spit blood out into the trashcan.
"Fuck I forgot how much I missed this" He said and Lauren looked at him angrily

I looked at Giovanni.
"Did you touch her?!" Gio yelled going near him again and I put my hand on his chest. He stumbled a bit and I smelled the alcohol on him.

"Fuck Giovanni no! I was talking to her." Christian yelled

"We were talking" I said looking at Gio and he looked at me to see if I was lying

"I asked him to talk to her Gio" Lauren said to Giovanni

Gio shook his head and looked at Christian.
"I will fucking kill you if you ever.." He said in the most threatening voice I've ever heard from him

"Let's go!" I yelled at Giovanni pushing him out the room and I looked at both Lauren and Christian

"Sorry guys" I said and they nodded

"Am I this irrational?" Christian asked Lauren

"Yes yes you are. So now let's talk about you missing this life." She said and I quickly headed out not trying to be in the middle of that argument

I went out the back door again into the alley to see Giovanni pacing. He heard the door close behind me and he backed me up into the wall. His lips connected with mine and I moaned against his lips.

"Giovanni" I said irritated with him but so turned on by his dominance. His hands ran down my waist and he pulled my pants down.

"Shut up" He said and I did exactly that as I felt myself get so wet. His hand wrapped around my throat forcefully kissing me. He unbuckled his pants and I felt him pull my panties to the side. He pushed his hard self into me and I moaned loudly. His thrusts were hard and forceful and his hand wrapped tighter around my neck choking me.

"Whose pussy is this?" he asked me and I moaned trying to formulate words

"It's yours" I said feeling him so deep inside of me ramming into me all we could hear was the sound of our skin slapping together

"Say it again." He said

"It's yours" I said and his strokes became harder. I felt my legs giving out and he put one leg over his forearm. Thinking he couldn't get any deeper, I was wrong.

"What's mine? Who do you belong to?" He asked and I felt the overwhelming pleasure take control of my body

"This pussy is yours. I belong to you." I said as my legs shaked and my breathing failed me.

"That's right. You are mine. Every little hole of yours belongs to me. I'm going to fill you up so you'll know who you belong to." He said and I came again as his hand rubbed my clit. I felt myself tightening around him and I know he felt it because he closed his eyes cursing to himself.

"I'm so deep inside of you baby. You're so tight around me. No other man will ever feel what this feels like. No other man will taste this pussy. You are mine. All mine."He said and I felt his warmth fill me up as he moaned my name.

I breathed heavily and he rested his head on my shoulder. I ran my hand through his hair. He moaned. He stumbled back away from me fixing his pants. He looked at me as he watched the thick white liquid drip out of me running down my leg. He pulled my pants up and his lips crashed into mine.

"You're such a good girl taking every drop of me. I want you to stay like that until we go home." He said to me walking back inside the building leaving me there to think about what just occurred.

This was a side of Gio that i've never seen before and I loved every second of it. He was possessive and angry and everything all at once. This wasn't the same man that made me a picnic on the blanket in the backyard and brought groceries for my father. This was another side if him that I was strangely fascinated by. I went inside trying to ignore the extreme wetness of a mixture of me and him in my panties. It would only turn me on more adding to the uncomfortable sensation. I finished my shift and walked out the kitchen to see Lauren standing there. I feel like she was waiting for me.

"We haven't met. I'm Lauren." She said softly and stuck her hand out

"Angela. I heard so much about you." I said shaking her hand

"Nothing good I'm guessing." She said laughing but I could tell it bothered her

"I like the part where you made a man piss himself." I said and she smiled warmly

Although I hated the past with her and Gio, I couldn't bring myself to hate her. She was sweet and easy to talk to.

"I swear it wasn't my intention. I was around men all the time and had some bad experiences that Christian helped me out of. That was my final straw. I had to defend myself and stop letting Christian do it for me."

"Yea" I said nodding

"Anywho. I asked Christian to speak to you because I knew he'd be able to talk you through how he felt during that time. I like you and I can tell Giovanni likes you a lot. I see it in the way he looks at you." She said

"You mean the way he used to look at you." I said and covered my mouth quickly not expecting that to come out my mouth"I shouldn't have-"

"No it's fine. You're right. The way he looked at me, is how he's looking at you. He's a great guy." She said

"Then why didn't you choose him?" I asked her

"Because I loved Christian more than I loved him and even if I chose Giovanni, part of me never would have gotten over Christian. He deserves someone for him. Someone all to him. That's you Angela. Don't let the past control your future. Because I know a future with him wouldn't be a mistake." She said and I hugged her. She hugged me back.

"Thanks Lauren." I said to her and she nodded.

"Of course. You two should stop by one day to the lake house. Get away from all this chaos and have time to yourselves." She said

"That would be nice" I said and she smiled

"Now let me go find my husband before he gets into another fight for fun." Lauren said and I laughed as she walked off

I looked around for Giovanni and he was standing by the entrance staring off into the distance. I grabbed his arm and he tensed up until he saw me. He still had a drunken glaze over his eyes.

"Ready" I said

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