Chapter 21

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I came upstairs after a long day of meetings and I barely saw Angel all day so my mood was shot. The text from my father bothered me and my men didn't bother to ask me about it knowing my moods. It was really late and I hated that I couldn't touch her all day. All I wanted was her in my arms forever. Is that too much to ask for?

I opened my room door unloosing my tie and I saw Angel standing in the middle of the room. She had made a fort on the floor in front of my bed. There were bowls of candy, popcorn, and chips. A bottle of wine was chilled and she held two wine glasses. The lights were dim and she had the movie title running on my flash screen tv. It was Shrek. She smiled at me and I actually felt home.

"I thought we could use a relaxing night. Like the first night we ever hung out." She said shyly

This was perfect.

"You are perfect." I said to her "This is perfect."

I needed to relax. My mind had been all over the place all day and I couldn't think of a better way to spend my night. I went to change out of my suit into my pajama pants and she had on one of my tshirts. I got down in the fort and leaned my back against the cushions placed against the end of my bed. I reached out for her hand and she grabbed my hand sitting next to me. She started the movie and we watched it. We laughed. I loved every moment of this. She laid her head in my lap and I couldn't help but stare at her. I never knew what I wanted forever to feel like until I met her.

"What's going on in your head?" She asked me and I noticed she was looking up at me

I couldn't hide anything from her.
"My father speaks to me about once a year and it's always to check up on the business and what I'm doing. He messaged me today. I'm worried." I told the truth completely

"Why?" She asked holding my hand and interlocking our fingers

"Because he knows about you. He will only ever stand in the way of my happiness to ensure that my job continues. He's always been like that. I'm scared of what he will do to ensure that." I said and I don't know why I just couldn't keep anything from her. I didn't want to.

"You think he will hurt me?" She asked with fear flashing across her eyes

"I will never let him touch you. You don't need to worry about that. I will-" I started getting angry at the idea of anyone touching her or trying to hurt her "If he tries, I will stop him by any means necessary."

She looked at me knowing what that meant. "What happened to your mom Gio?" She asked

My jaw clenched just thinking about her and I sighed.
"My mother fell in love with my father when he had my job. He loved her. There were very few times that I saw him actually show human emotion and each time it was with her. She didn't care about who he was at the time until I almost got hurt one time by one of my fathers enemies and she told him it wasn't safe for me to grow up in an environment like this. My father loved the power just as much as he loved my mother. He never wanted to give up his seat. She made him choose between two things he loved. Me and her and this business and when he told her he chose us, he dragged his feet to leave. My mom packed our bags and she tried to leave with me one night without him. I know it hurt her because she loved him but she wanted to protect me. My father somehow knew this would happen and had us followed. He was mad at her that she would threaten the legacy, the Romano name by running away with its heir. I didn't want this. I saw what it did to my father, how it turned him into someone unrecognizable to me, to my mom. That night was the last night I've ever saw my mom. She disappeared and I'm sure my father had something do with it. He eventually didn't want to hold onto the seat. It's crazy because once his my mom disappeared, that part of him disappeared too. He's never been the same. He can barely look at me and I believe it's because I remind him of my mom choosing me over him. He felt betrayed." I said

I looked down to see Angel crying. I wiped her tears.
"Baby what's wrong?" I asked worried

She shook her head. "How could he take her away from you like that?" She asked with teary eyes

"Because he's a monster. There's only one thing in his life he's ever cared about, this business. Without it he's nothing." I said and she leaned up and kissed me deeply on the lips.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that." She said making me look at her as she straddled my waist "He never loved you properly and if he knew you, he'd know how much of an amazing, smart, thoughtful, loving, kind, and beautiful man you are. You are nothing like him. You are worthy of love and he doesn't deserve your love. I don't care if he doesn't like me. I know you'll keep me safe but if that means that you get hurt in the process, I can't bare losing you Giovanni."

She was scared and I hated that. I couldn't lose her and I would protect her with my life. She knew that.

"I love you." I said pushing her hair out of her face

She rested her forehead on mine sadly. I couldn't reassure her that I won't get hurt in the process. I would do everything within my power to protect her. Even if it meant not protecting myself.

She cried there and I wrapped my arms around her pulling her into my chest. I ran my hands up and down her back. The thought of losing her scared the absolute shit out of me, but seeing how the same thought affects her showed me how much I meant to her. She was just as scared for me. She cried tears for me. Did I even deserve this kind of love? Did she know who she was crying over? I was every bit of a monster as my father yet she cried for me. She decided I was worth her tears and I couldn't have been any more surprised but honored to be loved by Angela.

I kissed her forehead and wiped her tears after making her look at me.

"I am not worth your tears Angel, but you make me want to be. You make me want to be good enough for you, to be better. I won't stop trying to be better because you deserve me at my best, nothing less." I said "I know you don't want to hear it, but I could die at any moment and I'd find peace in it knowing that I was loved by you."

I ran my finger across her lips and she kissed my finger, then the palm of my hand, then my knuckles, then my wrist. I wiped the tear rolling down her cheek. Our lips connected. I laid her down on her back and stared at her. She was the woman of my dreams.

"Please Gio. I need you inside me." She said and I pulled my pants down showing my erect self and positioned myself at her entrance.

"I love you so much Angela" I said and then pushed inside of her. She gasped at the feeling and pulled me down to her. I kissed her again as I slowly stroked into her. She moaned softly.

Something about this time was different. It was emotional. It wasn't rough. It wasn't dirty. It was pure. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced. It wasn't just sex. It was us showing how much we loved each other and how much we needed each other. She completed me and I wasn't sure how I completed her but in many ways she showed me that I did. I loved this woman so much.

"I love you Giovanni Romano" She said as I came inside her breathing heavily as I was kissing her shoulder, her neck, and then her lips.

"I'll never get used to hearing those words from your lips." I said

"Well you better because I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me" She said

"You promise?" I asked her running my hand along her cheek and staring into her beautiful eyes.

"I promise" She said kissing my hand

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