Chapter 30

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I walked into my office where my father waited for me. I dreaded this but I wanted to do this for Angel, for my mother, for me. I wanted to let go of the resentment I had towards him. He drank from the bottle and wiped his lips.

"Getting married huh?"he asked me and I nodded

"I love her." I said and he looked at me

"She's not terrible" He said and I shook my head and poured myself a drink sitting across from him

"She's amazing." I said taking a sip

"What are your plans for the business?" He asked me and I had to answer the question I dreaded

"Find someone to replace me." I said with my head held high ready for him to dig into me

He nodded. "Take her far away from this place"

I looked at him shocked. "Are you drunk?"

"No I wish I was though." He joked I think. I don't think we've ever joked before.

"Look I know all these years I've been hard on you. It wasn't fair. I had well have some unresolved feelings over your mother that I suppressed for so long that other night I saw how terrible i've been to you. She'd be so disappointed in me. I'm disappointed in me. I uh love you uh son. It's just us left and It'd be unfortunate if I were to spend whatever time I have left in this world to not tell you that." He said and I felt a warmth in my heart. Something I haven't felt for years.

"I uh I love you too uh Dad" I said running my hand through my hair "Yeah no I'm sticking with Father"

"Yeah let's ease into it" He said and I laughed

He looked surprised. He smiled. "You do that?"

"You'd be surprised at all the things I do because of her." I said

"She's the one?" He asked

"She's my everything" I said and he nodded

"She's stubborn and intrusive. She's determined and I can tell she loves you. She reminds me of your mother" He said looking at his hands

"Where is she buried?" I asked him

"In her family plot in Crestville. I could send you the address if you want." He said

"Would you come with me?" I asked him and he looked shocked

He nodded. "Yeah I can"

I nodded grabbing my phone looking at my calendar.

"Tomorrow at 3pm. I'm free." I said and he nodded standing up

"Sounds good to me." he said getting up to walk out this time without the bottle and patting my shoulder before leaving

I let go of the breath that I held. I downed the rest of my drink and tried to fight the urge of the smile that crept up my lips.


Angela POV

I showered after breakfast while Giovanni spoke with his father. He had a bunch of meetings today and had to go out. I hope their conversation went okay. Lord knows how much I miss my father and there's so much I wanted to say to him just couldn't. Giovanni has that chance and I couldn't sit by and let him miss that. I went downstairs to go sit in the backyard with a book from the library and a blanket. I opened the door and saw Dominic sitting out there. He turned around and looked at me.

"Sorry. I didn't know anyone was here" I said and he shook his head

"You're fine." He said and I closed the door behind me laying out a blanket and sitting on it

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