Chapter 12

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Angela POV

I stood there and saw the guy who told Gio about the meeting staring at me. I looked at him.

"Hi I'm-"I started sticking my hand out but he cut me off

"Angela. I know" He said shaking my hand "I'm Miles. I work with Giovanni and I'm his best friend."

I nodded. "Oh nice to meet you" He was good looking as well. He had dark brown hair and brown eyes and stood as tall as Giovanni. I was convinced that all of them were attractive.

"You as well. It's good to finally actually meet you." He said

"How long have you and Gio been friends?" I asked and he smirked

"Nicknames already huh?" He asked me and I laughed
"We've been friends since we were kids. Our moms were best friends"

"Were?" I asked and he nodded

"My mom passed a couple of years ago. Giovanni's mom passed when he was younger" Miles said

"Mine as well." I said "I'm sorry for your loss. That kind of pain never goes away. I know."

He looked at me surprisingly and nodded.
"Yea. I'm sorry too" He said and I looked at him.

"Thank you." I said and he looked at the sandwiches
"Help yourself. We never got to them"

He laughed and went to the sandwiches sitting down on the blanket.

"I'll be back. I'm going to use the restroom. Save some for me!" I said and he mumbled okay as his mouth was full

I went towards the bathroom and a woman came out of the bathroom looking at me.

"You must be Angela." She said "I'm Scarlet."

I smiled at her. Why did everyone know me?

"Hi." I said

"Sorry that must be weird. Me and Gio were dating and then he met you. So of course that ended" She said laughing and I stared at her

"Oh no. I'm not mad. I wasn't trying to make it seem like that. I didn't get attached. You know men like Giovanni don't settle down, especially Giovanni. I should've known it would've been short lived especially after Lauren. Who was I to compete with the love of his life? Anywho. I hope you two are having fun for now. It was the best sex of my life." She said

I grimaced at the thought of him being with her physically. She was beautiful so it made sense that he'd be attracted to her, but I couldn't help but feel jealous that she had shared that experience with him and not me.

"Who's Lauren?" I asked

"Oh you two didn't have the ex talk yet? Damn so it's extra short lived. He was head over heels in love with the girl. She was in love with another sector leader ,Christian Rossi, another sex god from my experience. They got married, had kids, and lived happily ever after. Giovanni was distraught after it. Drinking, drugs, tons of sex, and relentless. Killed a guy for even saying her name. He was dark for a minute. Then dabbled in a lady a day. He still can't say her name till this date. No one thought he'd move on. I doubt he has, but you seem to make him happy for now. Did he call you Lauren during sex yet? or was that only me?" She asked

I felt my heartbreak. I shook my head no.
"Damn. Well I gotta go. It was nice meeting you Angela" She said walking into the office

I ran into the bathroom locking in trying to control my tears. Why hadn't he told me about Lauren? Was I just a replacement for now? Was I a filler? It felt like I couldn't breathe. I cried and sat on the toilet.

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