Chapter 16

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We made it back to my place and I pressed her against the front door kissing her deeply. I dropped our bags and my hands cupped her face. I moaned as she rolled her hips.

"Woah" I heard someone yell and we pulled apart instantly. Of course it was Miles with a plate of food in his hand coming from the kitchen.

Angel laughed looking embarrassed.

"Why are you here?" I asked him annoyed

"I see you two worked everything out. You're welcome." Miles said taking a spoonful of his food and eating it

"Thank you Miles" Angel said to him and I rolled my eyes

"Yes now leave." I said and Angel elbowed me

"Let him stay" She said and I groaned "We can finish what we started later. Im going to go take a bath."

She went upstairs and I watched her hips sway back and forth and it set me off. I looked at Miles and he watched as well. I smacked the back of his head.

"Watch yourself" I said going into the library and pouring myself a drink

"What?? I'm guessing everything went well yesterday." He sat on the couch still eating "You got some?"

"I'm not talking about that with you." I said

"Come on at least tell me which positions" He said and I almost threw the glass at him but I know he was trolling me

He laughed at my facial expression. "I'm glad you two were able to make it work between you."he said "For some strange reason she cares about you."

"Yea I don't know. I'm not going to question it. But if you'll excuse me. I have a woman in my bath tub that I would like to tend to." I said downing my drink and going upstairs

"Use protection! We don't need no kids running around here eating my ice cream!" Miles yelled from downstairs and I laughed shaking my head

I went into my room and saw Angel holding a gun in her hand.

"Angel" I said and she was shaken from her thoughts and dropped it to the ground. Thank goodness the safety was on and I ran up to her . I picked it up putting it in my waistband.

"Are you okay baby?" I asked her checking her to make sure "You have to be careful"

"I'm sorry. I was looking for your towels and this was in the cabinet. How many men have you killed Giovanni?" She asked me turning to look at me

I didn't expect this conversation at all.
"I won't lie to you. I don't remember." I said and she stood there quietly

"Have you ever killed a woman?" She asked me and I shook my head

"No never. I could never bring myself to harm a woman." I said quickly. I thought back to the time Lauren got attacked and Christian killed Veronica. I thought about what I would have done in the situation, whether I would've let Veronica go for hurting Angel. Something in me didn't even allow me to visualize that possibility.

"Tell me about the guy you killed over Lauren." She said and I sighed sitting down

I stuck my hand out and she sat next to me not taking my hand. I tried not to look hurt over her rejection but I know she saw it.

"I don't remember it too well. I was drunk. It was a couple of weeks after I found out she was engaged and I was at this club. It's where all the guys go. They were talking about Christian leaving and how it was inconvenient for them and that Cameron was a hard ass. Then this one guy said he doesn't understand what the fuss was about over her. That pussy was pussy and hers couldn't have been that good. I was pissed at how he was even talking about her, a woman in general. I told him to watch his mouth. I was about to leave cause I was already wasted and he said...that I was mad that it was Christian's dick buried inside her every night instead of mine. I was irrational. I was angry. I was jealous. That combined with alcohol wasn't a good mix. Next thing I know, I'm in a car and I hear Miles yelling my name as he drove. I looked down and I was covered in blood that wasn't mine." I said

She looked sad and I couldn't catch the emotion. She stood up and I grabbed her hand.

"Gio let go of me" She said pulling away from me

"Tell me what's wrong. I'm not proud of what I did at all Angel, but you asked for the truth and I told you the truth." I said and tears formed in her eyes

"Angel baby what's wrong?" I asked her standing up so now I was towering over her.

"I don't know what's wrong with me. I just listened to you tell me how you murdered a man and all I can think about is how you might not be over her." She said

I shook my head.
"I'm over her Angel. I want you. You are the only woman that I want." I said

"If she had chosen you we wouldn't be having this conversation. I keep thinking in my head that the only reason we're together is because of her choice. If she came through this door right now telling you she made a mistake, would you second guess how you feel for me?" She asked and I pulled her closer to me

"I will never second guess us. This is what I want." I said

"You killed a man over her because you couldn't handle the pain of her being with him Giovanni!" She yelled and I was quiet. We stood in silence for a moment. It was painful. "I need a moment. I'm going to head home and I think it's best you don't follow me there."

I ran my hands through my hair and nodded. She grabbed her bag and walked towards the door.
"It's always going to be you." I said to her

"Did you say that to Lauren too?" She asked and then walked out the room. I texted Jameson to take her home. Soon I heard the front door close and I threw my head back on my pillow. I laid there feeling my heart pounding. For the first time I didn't know what to do.

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