Chapter 41

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Angela POV

We sat down eating dinner. It's been three days since I've been here. I missed Giovanni so much. I couldn't imagine the pain that he's going through right now.

"How's the food?" Nathan asks us

I looked at Lauren and she refuses to eat. She's been in a bad place these past days. I couldn't blame her. I wasn't happy to be here either but she was a mom. I'm sure she missed her kids. She seems distraught.

"It's good" Scarlet said sitting at the table and I glare at her.

She was working with Nathan and I wasn't sure why .

"As if this wasn't painful enough, you had to bring her in to?" I asked Nathan and he looked at me

"We're together" Scarlet said rolling her eyes and I looked at Nathan to see him wince at her saying that

"I'm not surprised" I said

"Do you know how much I hate you?" She said and I nodded

"You tried to ruin my life multiple times. Pin me against Lauren because of their past. Showing Giovanni that video to break me and him apart and ruin his relationship with his father. Someone sure doesn't know how to take rejection." I said and she looked at me furiously

"Scarlet take a walk" Nathan said

"How does it feel being the second choice?" She said "It was truly Lauren after all right? Not you. It's crazy how she didn't want him and he had to settle for you."

That one hit directly at my heart. She attacked my greatest insecurity that came to Giovanni.

"Do you think he is more worried about you or her?" She asked

"Well i'm sure of one woman in here that he's damn sure not worried about" I said through my gritted teeth

Scarlet stood up with a gun and put to my head.

"Enough!" I hear Nathan yell "So help me God if you pull that trigger, I will end you"

Scarlet shook her head.
"It's been three days and you're already infatuated with her." She said and Nathan stood up

"Scarlet" He said and she walked off out the kitchen shaking her head.

I breathed out the breath I was holding. I looked at him to see him staring at me confused.

"Go to your rooms" He said and Lauren grabbed my hand and pulled me away from him

We had separate rooms and I stopped in front of mine.
"Lauren are you okay?" I asked

She shook her head. "No" She responded

I gave her a hug tightly. "I know Christian is with them. They're okay and we're going to be too."

"How can you say that and we don't know." She asked quietly

"Nathan. He..might. I think I could change his mind." I said and she nodded.

"Okay." She said and soon a guard walked by and we both retreated into our rooms. I paced back and forth in my room thinking of a way to reach Nathan. I had hope that I could reach him. At the end of the day we were all hurt and hurt people, hurt people. I believe he can change. I just have to connect to him somehow.

Soon a knock on my door startled me. Nathan came inside and I looked at him.

"Yes?" I asked

"I just wanted to see if you were okay. Scarlet can be a bitch" He said

"You're the one dating her." I said and he stepped in front of me

"Fucking her. I'm fucking her." He said looking into my eyes

He was very close and his eyes roamed my body. His gaze rested on my lips.

"Well dating her or fucking her. You chose her." I said

"I wish I could have chose differently." He said "The day I met you. I never lied not once. Giovanni has great taste. I envy that he's gotten to taste you"

I felt my heart race and my body stiffened. Should I go along with this? Make him put his guard down. I couldn't it would be too obvious and I can't do that to Giovanni.

"Because I'm his." I said

"You aren't property Angel. He does not own you." Nathan said making me look at him and I winced at the use of Giovanni's nickname for me

I needed to change the subject. I moved away from him.

"How is Scarlet going to kill me?" I asked him

"Why are you asking? Do you have a death wish?" He asked and he noticed the look on my face

"I'm okay with death." I said sitting on my bed

He watched me intensely. "Who have you lost?" he asked

"My mother a couple of years ago and then my father last month." I said and he nodded

"I'm sorry" he said

"Death, loss and grief are no stranger to me." I said laughing humorlessly

He sat on the bed next to me and looked me in my eyes.

"My sister is..was my only family left. Christian killed my father, my brother, and all my male cousins. My mother died of a broken heart. I had my sister. She had me. But then they took her from me. I am completely and utterly alone in this world." He said "So if it's one thing I know. It's grief and loss and death"

Without thinking, I threw my arms around him and his body froze at my touch. He then relaxed into my hold and I felt him sigh deeply. I know this was the first time that he's relaxed in a long time.

"I'm sorry about what you've been going through. I'm sorry about your sister." I said "I'm sorry about your father and your brother and cousins. Im sorry about your mother. I'm sorry about everything that's been taken away from you. You may feel alone. I know how it feels to feel alone. But you're not. Not anymore."

He pulled away from me and I stared at him. He stood up and paced the room.

"Nathan?" I said his name and his body stopped moving. "I'm sorry. Did I say something wron-"

I was cut off by him strutting towards me still seated at the end of the bed and him crashing his lips onto mine. I was stunned as his soft lips kissed me with so much passion and I pulled away. He looked at me and I felt bad.

"I'm sorry" He said running a hand through his hair and hurrying out my room closing the door behind him.

I sat there in silence trying to regain my senses as I felt my lips but I couldn't ignore the feeling of my heart pounding in my chest.

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