Chapter 5

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Angela POV

I threw myself on my bed in frustration. Giovanni Romano. The complicated man. Although he told me he was complicated, being with him felt nothing close to complicated. The way he spoke, the way he looked at me, the way he touched me wasn't complicated. It was actually perfect. I couldn't understand why he wanted to be around nor why he wanted me. I was raised to never question my blessings. To me that's what he was, a blessing. He made me forget all my complications and escape for a moment of selfishness that I hadn't experienced in years. Normally when guys asked me out, I never gave in. I've had previous boyfriends but none that made it too far. I thought it better to just save myself the trouble from dealing with them adding stress to my life.

My phone rang and I saw a text from Giovanni.

Giovanni: Best breakfast ever. We should do it again. I'll bring the strawberries.

I laughed out loud. What happened in the kitchen was unreal. I've never been more attracted to someone before. The way his hands touched my body, I knew he knew what he was doing. I wanted to let him have his way with me in there. I was ashamed how easily my body reacted to him.

Me: Wow I didn't know you liked the pancakes that much :)

Giovanni: There were pancakes??

I laughed at this. He was funny too. We love a man with a sense of humor. I wasn't sure how he'd react to me being a virgin but it was surprising. Would he really wait that long? Honestly if he would've asked in the kitchen I would've gladly gave it to him. I groaned at how easily this man got to me, at how easily he could excite me. Just thinking about him made me so horny and happy and that was never a good combination for someone like me with a complicated life. I got another text message from Victoria asking me to come in for a shift today. She was being strangely nicer to me as of late but I'm sure it's because of Giovanni's influence. I wasn't mad at it. I got showered trying to wash away any trace of Giovanni Romano off of me so I could remain focused today. I damn sure wasn't missing dinner this time.


I got off of work at 5:30 and went to go visit my father. I went inside the house and the caretaker, Helen was feeding him. Helen was like family to me. She's been taking care of my father and was basically part of the family at this point.

"Hi Angela" She said and I smiled at her

"Hi Helen. Hi daddy" I said and he looked at me

"Angela" He said smiling and I smiled
I was so glad he remembered me today. It hurt when he didn't.

"Ouu Freddy she's smiling bright today. Why do you think that is?" Helen said and I shook my head

"Because I'm glad to see you guys" I said avoiding where the conversation was going

"That's the look your mother had on her face when she met me." My father said and we laughed

"Is it a man?" Helen asked and I laughed

"Are you old enough to be dating?" My father asked wearily

"Dad I'm 25." I said laughing

"Okay be careful with these boys sweetie" He said

"I'll be back Fred. We need some girl talk" Helen said to him and he scoffed watching his tv shows

I put down some groceries in the kitchen and Helen watched me.

"What?" I asked smiling

"Who is he?" She asked me leaning against the doorway

I sighed. "Well his name is Giovanni Romano" I said and she looked shocked

"What?" I asked

"Italian. The Romanos is a very powerful family darling. Rich mafia men." She said concerned

"He's not in the mafia.." I said thinking about all the suits, secret meetings, people being afraid of him "No way"

"You're an adult sweetie and I won't tell you how to live your life, but I will tell you to be careful. That's a dangerous world with dangerous people." She said and I nodded

"Yea" I said feeling upset that he didn't tell me this himself.

"I just know he is a work of art though." Helen said and I looked up at her laughing with her

I nodded as we put the groceries away. I looked at the time and it was 6:45. I had to get home to get ready for dinner. I reached in my pocket for the money I made today and handed it over to Helen.

"Here you go Helen. I'll have more for you tomorrow." I said and she shook her head.

"Angela I told you you're like family. Me and Fred have fun. Right Fred?" She said

"Right" he said from the living room

"You don't have to pay me." She said shaking her head and I nodded

"Okay" I said hugging her. "Thank you for everything Helen."

"Of course darling. Stop by tomorrow to tell me more about him." She said and I laughed.

"Will do" I said leaving her in the kitchen and went towards my dad.

"Bye daddy." I said kissing him on the cheek

"You look more and more like your mother everyday." He said smiling and I smiled at him

"I love you" I said and he smiled at me.

"I love you more darling" He said. I went to Helen's purse on the couch and stuffed the envelope of money I had in it. She deserved every bit of it for keeping a smile on my dad's face. I walked out the door.

I sighed thinking of my mother. She had gotten sick and passed away a couple of years ago and it affected my father greatly. He was truly heartbroken after her passing. So much so he neglected his own health. It was as if his other half died. She made him complete. I missed her being around because she always knew what to do. She always knew what to say. I felt so alone in this world but Giovanni made it feel a little less alone.

Do I hear myself right now? I had to be crazy to believe that this man was here in my life for the long haul. He was apparently a part of the mafia that everyone knows about but me. Did he kill people? Would he kill me if he knew that I knew what he did? My stomach turned and not in a good way. I was nervous and it wasn't because of our date tonight.

Mafia Men II: RomanoWhere stories live. Discover now