Chapter 25

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I hadn't heard from her in three days and I figured she'd be busy but I got nothing. My father was constantly by my side constantly asking me about the mystery woman which I've been successfully avoiding. I couldn't go to her because I was nervous that I'd be followed. I didn't want him to see her, to hurt her, like my mom. But worry rose in my gut from not hearing from her.

"You look sick" I heard and looked over at Miles. I pointed to my ear and we went into the library. I closed the door behind me. I wanted to be out of ear shot of my father.

"What's going on?" He asked

"I haven't heard from her in three days . I've been calling but no response. I'm worried. I don't want them to follow me, but I need to go see her." I said

"What do you need me to do?" He asked

"Keep him occupied." I said "His men too"

"How exactly would I do-" Miles thought and I can see an idea cross his mind in the ways his eyes shot up

"Do I want to know?" I asked and Miles shook his head no

I nodded. "Thanks" I said walking out the house trying my best to remain unseen. After taking the longest way possible to ensure no one followed me, I made it to Fred's house. I rushed up the stairs after someone in the building was coming out at the same time. I knew something was wrong. I knocked on the door and soon the door opened. It was Helen. She looked like she hadn't slept in days. Her eyes were puffy and I looked over at the couch. There were boxes everywhere. My heart constricted.

"She's in the room. She won't come out" Helen said and I looked at her giving her a sad look

I walked over to the room and knocked on the door . There was no response. I went into the room and saw her laying on the bed with her back to the door. I closed the door behind me and saw she had been asleep. Remnants of her tears stained her cheeks and I was angry that I wasn't here for her. I got in the bed behind her and pulled her into me. Her eyes fluttered open and she relaxed into me. Soon I heard her sobbing and I pulled her tightly into me. It broke my heart to hear it. I wish I could stop it. I wanted to take away her pain. I never wanted her to experience anything remotely close to this.

"I didn't get to say goodbye." She said softly "I didn't tell him I love him. He's gone Gio. Both of them are gone. I'm alone in this world."

I kissed her head.
"He knows you love him. I know he loves you. Angel you are far from alone baby. I'm here. Helen is here. We love you. You are never alone okay." I said

"What happens when you leave me?" She asked and my heart constricted at the thought. I'd never leave her as long as I'm breathing.

"I'll never leave you Angel."I said "ever"

"Everyone I love leaves me." She said softly and I stood silently

I turned her to face me and pulled her in close wrapping my arms around her. Her face laid into my chest. I rubbed her back slowly as she cried. We stayed there for as long as I could hold her. I wish I could've held her like that forever until she knew that I wasn't going anywhere willingly. I looked at the time and it was 5:21am. I don't remember what time I got here but I saw a call from my father. I sighed. I needed to head back or he'd be suspicious. I kissed her forehead as she slept. I hated that I had to leave her but he couldn't know about her. He couldn't take this away from me too.

I got up out the bed and went into the living room. Each step felt heavier than the last. I looked to see Helen on the couch asleep. She must've heard my footsteps and she woke up.

"My apologies. I'm heading out. She's asleep." I said and she sat up.

"Come sit with me real quick" She said and I nodded sitting next to her

"She's so strong but very fragile at the moment. I knew this would break her heart. Its such and unfortunate thing to see." Helen said reaching in a box. She pulled out a small box and handed it to me.

I opened it and saw two rings. They were beautiful.
"Their wedding rings. Fred was too stubborn for a will, but he told me he wanted you to have it. You two. It's no rush. I'm not trying to scare you away, but Fred said with one look in your eyes he knew that you'd give Angela the life he never gave her. He wanted the best for her but his condition limited him. He knew you were the man for her. I'm glad she met you Giovanni. She deserves happiness and after all these years of her taking care of Fred, I have never seen her smile as hard as she does with you." Helen said

I stared at the rings and smiled.
"Thanks Helen." I said

"I don't know your story Giovanni but you don't appear to be a man that does that often. I think your days got a little brighter with her in them too." Helen said talking about my smile

"You have no idea" I said to her and she squeezed my hand

I felt it. For the first time, I felt the warmth. The feeling of being cared for. I haven't felt that feeling since I was young. Since before my mom disappeared.

"The funeral will be next week Tuesday. Although he hated to admit it. Fred loved you. He'd want you to be there." She said

Love. And I didn't have to put a bullet in someone to get it. To hear those words. I nodded.

"Of course. Good night Helen" I said and she hugged me rubbing my back

I was shocked at first but then relaxed into her arms. I never felt anything so overwhelming yet undeniably warm. She pulled away and I stood up putting the box in my pocket. I walked out the house and my phone rang again. It was my father. Anger rose inside of me again. He deprived me of so much in my life. I wasn't going to let him continue to take from me.

I got into my car and looked at the box in my pocket. I smiled thinking about Angela being mine forever. All mine. What I couldn't understand was how Fred knew me after one meeting. How he could trust me with this? Why did he think I deserved his daughter? Helen told me no rush but I knew that this day would come. The day I would finally get the girl of my dreams forever. I wanted to marry her from the moment I laid eyes on her. Everyday I fight not getting down on one knee. I opened the glove compartment to pull out the ring I had bought her the day after she yelled at me about my purpose in the business and I knew I had no purpose at all. Not in this business and not even in this life without her. So I bought it and couldn't muster up the courage to ask her. The ideas that we've only been together for a few months, that she may not want to be with me forever, and i'm not good enough for her has been nagging me. I chickened out. I've never been like this or felt like this for anyone not even Lauren. I'd admit for the first time that i'm scared for her to say no. It would break me.

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