Chapter Thirty

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Ever since Phuwin returned from the restroom, he couldn't take his eyes off Pond. Even though they were sitting across from each other, he kept replaying the conversation he overheard between Pond and James in his head.

Five minutes before the game ended, Phuwin saw Pond follow James outside, and he couldn't help but wonder about the relationship between those two. Had they dated before? Phuwin's curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to follow them.

"Phu, where are you going?" Gemini asked.

"To the restroom, I can't hold it anymore," Phuwin replied.

Gemini was confused as he thought his twin had already gone to the restroom before. He pushed the thought aside and went back to cheering for his Hia Dunk. However, he felt a bit uneasy and was disrupted by Phuwin's sudden departure. Gemini wanted to ask Phuwin if something was bothering him, but he was distracted by an incoming message from his beloved faen.

Gemini smiled from ear to ear after seeing his adorable faen message and then looked up to where his faen sat. Gemini replied with "Kha~b thirak".

Meanwhile, Phuwin went out to where Pond and James were, he was a bit lost for a moment but then he finally spotted them. But he didn't expect to witness something that would break his heart into pieces.

Phuwin kept asking himself why he felt so hurt and was crying after seeing Pond kiss another guy, he felt betrayed. Phuwin walked away from the scene, he couldn't bear to see it for more minutes.


Phuwin looked up, and he didn't expect to see Santa looking at him with concern. Santa was the last person who would show any kindness to him; he only tried flirting or making Phuwin annoyed. Yet, he was now standing in front of him, seeing him in the most vulnerable stage.

"Are you okay? What happened? Why are you crying?"

Before Phuwin even responded, Santa reached Phuwin's hand and took him somewhere they could sit. At first, Phuwin tried to resist but His mental state was too tired to even think to do it, so he just went with him.

"You sit here, I'll be right back," Santa said and went somewhere which Phuwin did not even care.

Phuwin was still in shock, heartbroken, and hurt stage, so he didn't even care anymore. His tears were still falling down his cheeks.

Then something cold touched Phuwin's cheek, and that startled him, "Drink this, and you'll feel better," Santa said.

"Thank you," Phuwin said hoarsely.

Santa took a seat beside Phuwin, "Kindly tell me what happened to you?" He then asked, and Phuwin looked at him confused.

"I know I was a jerk, and you probably hate me, but I can't help to care for you, especially after seeing you cry like this."

"Why?" Phuwin asked.

"Hey, I'm the one asking you first," Santa protested, but his tone was so soft.

Phuwin hesitated, still in shock, confused, and hurt. Seeing the sad expression on Phuwin's face, Santa couldn't help but caress Phuwin's head gently.

"Why are you doing this to me?"

Santa sighed, "To tell the truth, I was, had a crush on you."

"What?!" Phuwin said in surprise.

"Was..." Santa responded.

"You know I was absent from the competition for a year, right? I had a problem at home, so I flew away but then got into an incident and had to be hospitalized. At that time, I met someone who changed me completely, he's the reason why I want to be a better person. But I can't help teasing him though," Santa said with a blush on his cheeks.

Phuwin listened, but somehow his tears stopped. He was no longer crying; his mind was distracted by Santa.

"Him?" Now Phuwin was curious about who that person was.

"That's not important, what's important now is why are you crying? Has someone hurt you? Is it that St. Gabriel guy?!" Santa said having a suspicion of the cause of Phuwin's crying.

Phuwin just stayed silent, he remembered the scene again. His eyes started to tear up, seeing this, Santa pulled Phuwin into his hug.

"Phuwin, don't cry na, please don't cry," Santa said caressing Phuwin's back.

Phuwin can't help burying his head in Santa's hug, deep down Phuwin needs the hug. Then he pulled out from Santa's hug looked him in the eyes and smiled.

"Thank you," Phuwin said

"Anytime, whatever things he did to you, please don't be sad. Besides, don't you want to get back at him by taking the winning trophy?" Santa said trying to cheer Phuwin

This reminds me of the reason why he's been trying so hard for the past months, for this, to take the winning trophy, to achieve his goal of defeating St. Gabriel.

Phuwin smiles, "Thank you, Santa!" Phuwin said then hugged him, "for reminding me of my goal,"

"I'm going to be upset if you lose from him just because your mind is distracted," Santa said jokingly sarcastically, "especially after you bet us." He continues and this makes Phuwin chuckle

"I won't now, thanks to you," Phuwin said

After that, Phuwin back to his dorm and prepared for his final match with St. Gabriel. Santa watches Phuwin walk away and mumble, "Goodbye my first love," with a soft tone.

All that happens with Pond just makes Phuwin distracted from his goal, but that doesn't mean the hurt feeling he felt before is gone instantly. No, Phuwin still hurts and his chest is still in pain. He realizes that all of it is because he likes Pond. He just doesn't want to admit that actually when he was little, he had a crush on Pond.

"I will not be distracted anymore, I will take that trophy and end this uneasy and painful feeling for once and for all," Phuwin said while he put on his team jacket for the final.

"What an uneasy and painful feeling?"

Phuwin turns around after hearing a familiar voice. He then looks at him fiercely.

Pond standing in front of him frowned.

Phuwin didn't respond to anything, just looked at Pond with determined eyes.

Pond notices the puffy and red eyes of Phuwin, "are you crying?' he asks then walks close and tries to reach his face but Phuwin dismisses that. This surprised Pond.

"It's not your concern," Phuwin said and tried to walk past Pond but stopped by Pond's hand to grab his arm.

"Let me go, I need to go to my team," Phuwin said trying to release his arm from Pond's grip.


Phuwin just looked at Pond fiercely, seeing that, Pond hesitantly let go of his grip and let Phuwin walk away from him.

"Phuwin, I love you..."


Hellllooooooooow yeorobun! Sawdhika my lovely readers!

How's your day? I am super duper happy cuz I can meet JimmySea today!!! Aaaarghhh they're so freaking handsome!

The best day!

I was supposed to update this on P'Pond's Birthday but work made me too tired and my insomnia is back 🥲

Anyway, despite my happy day, today's chapter is the opposite. 🥺

Is it Pond finally confessing his love? Find out in the next chapter na 🤭

Hope you guys have a great weekend

Hate You Love YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ