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I was gonna put this on my message board, but I decided to put this here because I know A LOT of my followers read this story.

So, this is gonna freak some of you out a bit, but I've decided to take a long time off Wattpad and writing fanfiction in general after updating the final chapter of this story. This is something I've been thinking about for a while. At first, I was thinking of completely leaving the fanfiction community for good, but I'm not gonna do that. Instead, I'm taking a few months to possibly the remaining 10 months of 2024 off to focus on the things that I wanna do with myself, like retrying University and possibly going on to studying music and building my freelance makeup career.

I'm also going to unpublish most of my unfinished stories and decide on their fate later on. I might keep a few going, but there's a lot that I have abandoned and haven't been able to delete off my page because I'm a weak bitch and can't let go of them haha.

Anyway, I hope you guys understand. I'm not getting any younger and if I wanna do this, I need to do it now. I'm 26 this year and I've been thinking on this for the better part of about 2-3 years and I've made my decision. I will come back, I'm just not sure when.

Also, if any of y'all want my social medias to keep in touch with me, just DM me. Might wanna keep an eye on them anyways, because my fiance is planning to visit this year and there will be pictures hehe OwO

Anywho, that's it for now~

- Madz

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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