Chapter twenty-three

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Alessia didn't want to sleep.

She didn't blame herself though, how was she expecting to sleep after reliving such a traumatic event from her past?

The same part of the memory was running through her head constantly and she hated it.

Her father was unconscious on the floor, blood spilling from his head. The room was trashed, paintings littered the floor, furniture toppled over, and a ringing began sounding in the girls ears.

For the first time, she was terrified.

She stared down at her hands in utter fear, disgusted and confused, wondering how she had caused such destruction.

"What have you done?" a voice shouted, who Alessia quickly identified to be her brother, Theo.

Of course, she knew her father must have been okay in the end, because he was still in her life, hiding away with the death eaters, just waiting for Voldemorts return.

She had never gotten along with her father, but seeing her magic cause him such pain, and seeing how it must have affected Theo, was not easy to come to terms with.

Alessia couldn't even bring herself to mention it with her brother, it would be too hard.

It was currently a ridiculous hour of the night, and Alessia was sat in the common room, alone. All that could be heard were her shallow breaths, and the cackling of the fire sat before her.

She should have been thinking about school, trying to catch up with everyone, or thinking about her real priorities.

But all she could think of was what she had recovered from her past, and what she still had to find.

It was driving her crazy.

She stared at her hands, a thought suddenly popping into her head. When Mattheo had enacted the spell that helped her return her memories, all he did was utter some words.

Words that she had heard enough to remember.

Without even thinking her plan through, she began chanting the boys incantation under her breath, feeling the effects almost immediately.

The fire went out, leaving the room unlit and cold, making the girl shiver. At least she knew it was working.

Like usual, items in the common room began to topple over, as the air spun around the girl, the elements reacting to the darkness of the magic.

It didn't take Alessia long at all before she was sent into a memory.

She was sat in Professor Snape's house, in the living room where she had been before. There was no sign of her father, it was just the two of them, sat in an incredibly uncomfortable silence.

Snape cleared his throat, placing his cup down onto the small table beside him.

"I heard you caused quite a scene the other day" the man said painfully slow, with a tight lipped smile.

Alessia had alot to learn, but it didn't take a genius to figure out he was finding the whole situation amusing.

"It was an accident" the girl said shyly staring down at her hands that were placed in her lap.

The house she was in felt comfortable, like it was familiar, but the conversation was anything but enjoyable, and she didn't wish to talk about such a sensitive topic with a man she barely knew.

"Your father wants me to help you conceal your power, Alessia. I say differently. I believe it would be wiser to strengthen it." Snape explained, sparking interest in the young girl.

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