Oh, Mother.

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Alessia sat on her bed, staring at the small bottle of magic suppressant that her father gifted her.

She had been staring at it for what seemed like hours.

The girl refused to speak to anyone since what happened mere hours into her return home.

She was literally rotting in her room, the only company she had was Mattheos unopened gift sat on her bedside table.

Weirdly, she felt that leaving it unopened for now would cause her less harm, as she would just be reminded of what she was missing out on, stuck behind these walls.

Alessia didn't even know how long she had been in that bedroom.

A loud knock on the door startled her and brough her back to reality finally. Her senses adjusted to the vibrancy of her surroundings, the knock sounding like it was echoing in her heart.

The door opened after Alessia mumbled a small recognition of their presence, allowing them to enter.

It creaked open slowly, Theo's head poking round anxiously, worried about what he might find behind those doors.

Alessia sighed.

He walked fully into the room, holding a plate in his hands.

"Hey Lyssie" he said cautiously with a small smile. Theo knew how difficult it must have been for Alessia to get a full picture of Tiberius' thoughts on her power.

"Hi" she replied in a mumble.

Theo placed the plate on her bedside table, it being filled with food, the smell making Alessia's stomach groan in protest.

His eyebrows furrowed, however, when he noticed the gift Mattheo had given her, sat unopened, exactly the same as the day he had given it to her.

"You still haven't opened it?" He asked, taking a seat on the side of her bed, offering his comfort to his sister.

Alessia shook her head, looking at it longingly. She had been apart from Mattheo for such a short amount of time, but she had grown accustomed to his company that it felt like her soul had been split with his absence.

"I will eventually" she said, "Ive just been thinking about other things at the moment"

Theo stared at his sister apologetically, feeling slightly responsible for what had been happening to her as of late.

He wasn't there when she needed him most.

"Alessia, I just wanted to say I'm really sorry—" Theo started to say, before Alessia cut him off.

"I don't want to talk about it" she said with a tight lipped smile.

Theo nodded, understanding that perhaps, it was too soon to bombard her with questions and apologies.

The truth of her father's deceit was a fresh wound, exposed to the world, daring to rip open further with questioning or more pressure applied.

She needed to face it alone. For now.

The sound of Alessia's door creaking open startled the twins, making their heads shoot in the direction of the noise.

Tiberius stepped into view, making Alessia's stomach churn, the feeling of an empty stomach, mixed with fear made nausea wash over her.

The man sent a pointed look at Theo, making the boy stand up instantly, walking out of his sister's room. It was scary how a single look spoke a thousand words.

The door clicked shut behind her father, leaving them alone in the already claustrophobic room.

He walked over, hands behind his back, the sweet smell of hair gel already beginning to infiltrate Alessia's nostrils.

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