Bad Pit Stop.

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Tsukiko's pov:

I were traveling through a forrest in high speed and it was getting late, so when buildings started to show up, I decided to make a pit stop in there for the night. It seemed to be a Hidden Village from what I caught of different ninjas conversations. But it wasn't on the map, so I had no idea, what it was called. The ninjas had small cute music notes on their head bands, wait- music notes?

Music notes -> Soundvillage -> Snakey.....

This is Snakey's village?!

I stopped right then and there between the trees, suddenly I felt sick. Was he gonna come out of nowhere and lick me again?

Wait, did he ever get his tongue fixed?

Perhaps I should take a quick look around here?

Stupid idea, but sure why not? He's supposed to be in Konoha, right?

I jumped through the forrest and made a mental note of every building and every landmark, then when I thought, that I got it all somewhat, I sat down on one of the buildings and began drawing the outline of the village seen from a bow.

After some time, when I had finished the drawing, I heard voices from the building beneath me. I leaned a little over the edge and looked towards the door, should I?

It could be extremely dangerious, but also extremely rewarding. Should I?

Curiousity killed the cat, you know, but what if this was worth it?

I probably shouldn't do this.....

I'm so doing this!

Grinning soundlessly under my mask, I opened the door and went inside. I made sure to follow the sounds of someone speaking, I walked through several halls and before I knew it, I was lost.

Might as well learn something, now that I'm lost anyway.

I followed the sounds all the way to a doorway to a room with gloomy dark light.

"Are you sure that, that little girl from the first exam was the one to do this to you?" A voice, which I recognized as Kabuto's, asked.

"Hai, she's a curious one, that one. They even send her away to keep her from me. But I can be patient." Another voice, which I recognized as Snakey's, chuckled.

"What about the Uchiha?" Kabuto asked.

I leaned forwards a little and looked into the room, Kabuto sat with his back to me and Snakey was facing me, though he had yet to notice me. It seems, that Kabuto was healing Snakey's tongue...

"He's first." He laughed evilly. "Her, we need to make plans about. She cannot be lured with power, we'll need to try somethings else, something new with her. We have time enough to plan though, little Sasuke-kun wouldn't like us playing around with his little friend. So we'll be patient for now."

I couldn't help, but make a disgusted face, when his tongue were done getting healed. Mostly because he absolutely had to move it around to make sure, that it was as it should be. And of course he just had to see that movement out of all the movement in the world. We almost made eye-contact, but I cut it off before it actually happened. I knew, that I had been made, so I didn't try to hide the fact that I ran away. I had no idea, where I should run though. I could hear them come closer, so I hid in one of the rooms along the hall. I listened by the door, waiting for the footsteps to disappear down the hall, which most did. But not enough for it to be safe to go out there again. I turned towards the room to see, if there were any other ways out, but what I saw...

It looked like a torture chamber, yet an underground hospital. I walked through it carefull not to touch anything, it was just like a nightmare in real life. At least for someone, who don't like doctors....

I moved through the room, careful not touch anything, all the way to the door in the other side of the room. The next room looked very much like the last, but in this one there were a large green aquarium with a naked boy in it. It took everything in me not to turn around and run straight out in the hall, were Snakey and his men were looking for me. The boy looked at me curiously and nodded, when I moved a finger in front of my lips, telling him to be quiet.

I listened carefully after any sounds from the room, that I had just left. There were none, but somehow that was just as bad.

"Are you escaping?" The naked boy asked me in a hushed tone, making me look at him.

"Iie, I was never caught." I muttered back and went to the other door in the room, listening after any sounds to tell me, where my followers were.

"What are you doing here then?" He asked and swam closer to the class.

"I heard voices and got curious." I told him in a whisper, as somebody were walking in the hallway outside my door.

"Curiousity killed the cat, you know." He whispered back with a grin, showing all his sharp pointy teeth.

"Hai, I just thought it might be worth it." I muttered and tried my best to only look at his face.

"Was it?" He asked curiously.

"Iie." I muttered and ignored his grin.

"Lost?" He grinned, making me sigh.

"Hai." I sighed. "You wouldn't happen to know, how to get out, would you?"

"The door over there, go to the left. Then take the first door on your left and go straight. You should get out that way." He grinned and I gave him a closed-eyed smile in thanks.

"I know, that you're here. How impolite not to greet your host." Snakey's voice sounded from the room, that I had just left.

"Go! Now!" The boy whispered to me, I gave him an unsure look, but he replied with a 'shu'-movement, so I did as he said.

I snuck out the door and followed the directions, that the boy had given me. To my relief I got out, it wasn't were I had started, but I was out of there.

I could hear footsteps behind me again, so I quickly took off all of my weights and sealed them in a summoning scroll. Then I ran as fast as I could, I activated my Hana: Fukashi and continued running, only now I was invisible.

I really shouldn't have gone in there...

Shouldn't have done that, shouldn't have done that...

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