chapter 8.

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2 months later.

kk and juju couldn't be any more happier together and juju was about ready to show her off the the world.

juju's whole world had been turned around for the better tho. she had a lot of love kk and her strength.. she was just so strong.

kk loved how sweet juju was.. she was comforting and caring. she was sweet and she loved everything about her. her personality traits.

all in all they loved each other & the love grew more and more everday.

kk was currently in her dorm. juju had went to visit her parents for a couple hours. and kk was currently having a mental breakdown. she was against the wall in the bathroom her breathing unleveled & her body was shaking she couldn't control it.


i hated feeling like this.. its so hard i just want to feel normal again. my anxiety getting higher and higher and i felt like i was being suffocated. it felt like i couldn't get enough air in my lungs.

i rocked back and fourth on the bathroom floor.. panicking more and more by the minute. i had no idea how long i had been having a panic attack.

i just wanted help.. i needed help. someone to hold me. someone to tell me everything is gonna be okay.

why am i hurting so much. i been hiding the pain & honestly i can't anymore i can't pretend like im not hurting my heart can't take it anymore.


4 hours later.


i just left my parents house and im on my way back to the dorm.. i haven't heard from kk in a couple hours and im starting to get worried.

i got out of my car and headed to her dorm first. when i got their i knocked 3x and she didn't answer and ik for a fact she was here cus her car is in the parking lot.

i turned the knob and it was unlocked . i went in but i didn't see kk.. and going to the bathroom i heard heavy breathing.

i rushed to the bathroom door and pushed it open where i saw kk laying flat on her back tears rolling down her face & her trying to control her breathing.

"baby you good ?" juju said.

she went and sat kk up.. she bent down facing her.

"kk breathe love.. deep breaths baby you got this" juju coached.

she grabbed kk's hands and they were freezing cold. more tears started to fill kk's eyes. she was hurting so much.

"aww it's okay baby i promise your okay im here just take a deep breath in and out" juju said.

"hey look at me.. blow on my face" juju said pointing at her face.

kk looked into juju's eyes and she began to take deep breaths. her breathing slowly getting slower but the tears were still falling.

after about 5 minutes juju had finally managed to calm her down. she held her hands and pulled her in for a hug. kk could smell juju's vanilla scent.

"you okay mamas" juju said wiping her face.

juju helped kk up and led her to the bed where she sat her down.. she needed to have a long talm with her about what being going through her head before her panic attacks.

"what's wrong baby ?" juju said.

"i can't tell you" kk mumbled looking down.

juju picked up her chin forcing her to look at her.

bound by basketball- kk arnold + juju watkins Where stories live. Discover now