chapter 32.

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"YUHHH" rayah yelled as she came into the locker room where the rest of us were. i opened my locker taking off my shoes sitting them inside.

we had just finished practice and it was a good one. everyone was energized and we could felt the team bond.

i finished changing and grabbed my things. i said to bye to the girls and started walking towards my car. i opened the door for kk.

"thank you mamas" she said smiling.

i nodded and closed the door getting into the drivers seat. i pulled out and started driving and out the corner of my eye i could see kk's leg bouncing.

her hand rubbed down her shirt and i could see her blow out a breath.

"you okay love ? why you so nervous ?" i asked looking at her and then back at the road.

"yeah i'm okay i just forgot to take my medicine this morning" she said.

i nodded and put my hand on her thigh.

i pulled up to our dorm and we headed inside. i showered first so that kk could take her time and relax.

i handed her a pill and some water and hugged her.

"your okay baby" i said.

she nodded and smiled at me. i grabbed my clothes and headed to the bathroom starting my water. while its running i went back out and grabbed my vanilla body wash.

i looked over and i saw kk on her bed coloring. i smiled at her and went back to the bathroom. ik it helps with her anxiety.


i was coloring on the floor as i waited for juju to finish showering. i could feel my anxiety going down. i continued coloring for about 8 more minutes and i saw juju come out of the bathroom.

"bathrooms all yours baby" she said and i nodded. i grabbed my clothes and walked over to juju pecking her lips.

i took a warm shower letting it hit and relax my mind and muscles. i got out wrapping a towel around my body.

i put on my clothes walking out. i grabbed my phone and went over to juju's bed getting in beside her. i cuddled up to her and she rub my temples with her hand.

"how you feel ma" she asked me.

"better, i feel like i can breathe now" i said smiling at her.

she smiled at me and nodded. she leaned down and pecked my lips. i could feel myself drifting off to sleep.



"idk i hope she is good tho" i said to both juju & amoura.

i came to cali this week, to spend time with kk. as her best friend i make it a priority to spend just as much time with her as i do amoura.

"she's waking up" juju said looking at kk.

we saw that she was slowly stirring from her sleep. juju went over to her.

"hey baby.. how was your nap ?" she asked.

"good" she said smiling.

she looked over at amoura and then me. she smiled bigger getting out of and running over to me. i got up and hugged her tightly.

"i missed you so much" kk said.

"i missed you so much more" paige said.

"come on let's go do something just me and you" i said.

bound by basketball- kk arnold + juju watkins Where stories live. Discover now