chapter 39.

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i watched as juju walked up to me sweat running down her forehead and her face was red. practice had been intense but the energy was there and everyone was on the same page.

"kk where's your other shoe ?" she asked me.

"so whoever washes the jersey accidentally put one of my shoes in the washer with them to wash and now it's wet so i only have one" i said.

"well you need to go sit down" she said.

"babe it's fine , im doing perfectly fine with one shoe for right now, the grind don't stop" i said.

i watched as her face softened and she smiled at me.

"your so wise and smart, proud of you baby" she said.

i smiled at her and nodded because i'm hoping she understands. i can't not practice i gotta get as much practice and grind in as possible before season starts.

"but you still can't practice"'she said.

i stared at her and rolled my eyes. she's not making any sense and it's really frustrating me.

"but why ?" i asked irritated.

my attitude was definitely coming.

"because practicing with no shoes on can cause an injury to the ankles & we don't need or want that kk. you running around in socks could cause a freak accident" juju said.

"okay i understand that but-"

"kamorea please don't argue with me" she said.

i stared at her then rolled my eyes. i threw the ball at her and walked to the bench sitting down.

juju dribbled the ball and they started the drills. coach g smiled at me and i smiled back.

"you know she just wants what's best for you for? she's just overprotective that's all" coach g said patting my leg.

i nodded and smiled at her. i already know juju's overprotective but she's worse than i thought.

after practice i walked to the locker room and changed out of my practice jersey. i watched as juju stared at me. i just ignored her.

"soo kk how's it feel to be 19" rayah asked.

"normal" i said laughing.

i finished getting dressed and said bye to the team and walked to my car. i got in the drivers seat and waited for juju.

she got in and looked at me. i put my seatbelt on and backed up and started driving. i could see her staring at me.

"so you just gone ignore me ?" she asked.

i continued driving and turned up the radio. she rolled her eyes and turned the radio back down.

"don't touch the radio"

"well can you stop acting like that ? your literally ignoring me over something so small" juju said.


"it's not small juju, i wanted to practice cus it's important" i said.

"mamas i understand that but it's not that serious you can miss a day" i said.

"i can't tho juju, i don't feel good enough. & your so farther then me and it's really bittersweet because i'm happy and proud of you but it makes me feel like i shouldn't even be playing." she said looking at me and then the road.

"baby.. why don't you feel like your good enough ? kk your so talented people just don't see that yet but you gotta see your own potential" i said.

"because your so hard on me to be better be better and it's just"

bound by basketball- kk arnold + juju watkins Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon